Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I did my stretches whilst waiting for Mr. Langley to turn up. He wasn't late, but I'd gotten here early like normal. I wanted to spend our time together actually dancing rather than warming up.

Today, I was going to convince him to give me a better part in the Gala. We'd received our parts two weeks ago and mine was embarrassing. It was the smallest part of anyone. It was so painfully small that it would be noticed by mine, and everyone else's parents. I'd done such a good job of convincing them that everything was great here they'd be shocked and saddened if they realised I was actually shit at ballet and that everyone looked down on me.

So, in the past two weeks, I'd done my best to perfect the standard role in his routine. It was only a short ballet, half an hour—so that the fundraising could take up most of the evening—and the cast went in tiers. There were the named roles, obviously taken by the best people, there were the unnamed backing dancers, and there was me.

I was determined to be a backing dancer.

The Gala was in four days, which was enough time for Mr. Langley to incorporate me.

I'd stayed after my extra lessons with Mr. Langley and I'd practised it until my muscles ached and I could barely stand up. But, I'd done it. I knew the routine and I even danced it quite well.

Mr. Langley entered the room with his normal business face and nodded in appreciation to the fact I'd warmed up already. "Well, let's practise the routine for the Gala. It's coming up fast now."

I indulged him for ten minutes, wanting to know what his comments were on the very basic routine I was expected to perform. He only made a single remark about posture as those critical eyes observed me. "Good," he decided when I was finished. "We can do something more complicated for the rest of the lesson, then."

"I have an idea," I hoped my cheeky smile was endearing rather than irritating. "I want to show you what I've been practising."

Mr. Langley raised an eyebrow, but obliged me. "Okay. I guess that saves me having to come up with something."

"You choreographed the entire Gala, I don't think you'd have had much of a hard time doing it." I rolled my eyes, buying myself enough time to run through the routine once more in my head.

He had choreographed a very beautiful routine, too. It was a love story, between Amber and Leon, as the two lead dancers, set in the army. The costumes were all very gorgeous. I hadn't expected combat print to transfer well onto a leotard, but I'd been pleasantly surprised.

The backing dancers got to dance in partnership for the majority, so I had adapted the routine into a solo piece as much as possible. It was definitely still recognisable. I just lifted my hands as if they were holding someone for the majority and skipped the lifts.

Mr. Langley of course recognised it instantly.

Halfway through, he held up a hand and I was forced to stop. He hadn't offered any comment yet and I was beginning to worry.

When he took a step forward and slotted into the position of my dancing partner, my heart raced. He gave a single nod before we launched back into the routine from where I'd left off.

Dancing wasn't an intrinsically sexual thing, I'd discovered from my normal lessons—even if it looked like it sometimes. It was passionate, maybe even sensual, but not sexual. Most dancers weren't in relationships with their on-stage other half.

This, though, most definitely was. At least, as far as I was concerned.

Mr. Langley's hands weren't rough on my skin, but they burned it with pent up desire as he manipulated my body through the different positions. I tried to tell myself that I was only slightly out of breath because I'd been training so hard, rather than because this was the first time my hands had touched his toned body.

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