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Sam slammed his door closed, still heavily breathing after another fight with Gabriel. It was the fifth time this week and one of countless others this month alone. Without realising, he began pacing and muttering about how much of a 'selfish asshole', 'prick' and a plethora of other words to describe Gabriel and his actions.

Taking a deep breath, Sam sat on the edge of his bed and fell back, rubbing his face with a groan. Fighting with Gabriel was an exhausting task, yet there they were every day about something new. Five months. That's how long it had been since the couple hadn't been arguing and actually enjoyed the others' company. Not stressed out, sleeping on opposite sides of the bed or even in entirely different rooms. While thinking over it, Sam couldn't recall the last time he and Gabriel were truly happy together and began to wonder if he finally made the right decision...

*One Hour Earlier*

"Hey Samantha! Be a darl and grab me another beer yeah?" Gabriel called from the couch he was haphazardly draped over, watching Space Jam on Netflix. Sam was only a few metres away reading an old novel, but unable to focus with the loud movie and Gabriel's commentary only adding to the cacophony. With an irritated sigh, he walked over to the fridge, pulling out one of their many beers and roughly shoving it into Gabriel's hand with a pointed glare.

"My name is Sam, not Samantha." He huffed and made his way back to the old chair to sit back down. Once situated again and finding where he left off, he started reading only to stop when he heard Gabriel muttering something. Lifting his head to look at the small archangel, he received a smirk in response and Gabriel repeated himself, now for Sam to hear.

"I said don't get your panties in a twist. If you didn't act like a girl, I wouldn't call you Samantha." Sam's blank face – void of all expression – began to make Gabriel nervous. Sure, he had angered Sam many times but never saw him like this. It was unnerving, and he shivered from the ice-cold glare directed fully at him. Gabriel had meant it as just a joke, but Sam didn't seem to think it was so meaningless.

Without a single word Sam stood and walked away, an attempt to avoid a fight with his boyfriend. It was in vain though, as Gabriel followed him. He was just curious as to why the hunter hadn't said anything about the remark. While imagining what would happen if he were to say or do something, Sam turned around with a calm face, and Gabriel knew something was about to happen.

"Tell me, is this just a giant joke or do you love being an inconsiderate dick to me every day?" Arms crossed, Sam waited. Knowing Gabriel, he would only get another snide remark or something similar to sincerity with no real feeling behind it.

"Hmm... It's a mixture of both really. You're a giant I like to joke about and I may be inconsiderate but I do have a considerable dick." After a short – if slightly exaggerated – laugh, Gabriel's wink was met with an expression of rage and disgust. Trying to joke with an angry moose? It will only backfire and succeed in a death stare from said moose.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I am trying so hard to not yell at you or make this worse, but you're not making it easy for me. Look, all I want to say is– "

"Hey just calm down there Samsquatch. You're overreacting to all of this okay? How about you just go back to reading your book and I'll go back to Netflix." Smiling wide did not help Gabriel in the slightest, in fact only digging himself a deeper grave.

"Overreacting. I'm not overreacting, I'm trying to have normal talk with you, but you keep inter- "

"Oh yeah! There's this new TV show on Netflix called Shadow Hunters and it's based on- "

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