What I Try Not to Hear
Polish words bounce about the classroom
And it should feel good to hear it but
I try not to listen;
Two boys in my class are saying things a girl
Should not hear
If she is any kind of
They laugh, loudly, because the teacher
Is right there listening,
Not understanding,
Thinking they are being
When really they are being
When they really are talking about
Her chest.
Konrad winks and wields his tongue
As though he would like to lick me.
But he is only eleven; he is doing his best
To shock,
And I know that if I flirted with him
Even a little,
He would probably be terrified.

The Weight of Water
PoetryThis is not my story. This is an actual book written by Sarah Crossan. All rights go to her. Armed with a suitcase and an old laundry bag, Kasienka and her mother head for England. Life is lonely for Kasienka. At home, her mother's heart is brea...