Year Seven
I am twelve.
Almost thirteen.
I've budding breasts and
Monthly bleeds,
But I am in a class with
Mama isn't troubled.
Until I learn to read
Austen in the original
I should stay with the
Younger ones, she says.
But Mama is wrong.
Some of them have never even heard of Austen.
I understand numbers
Better that anyone in Year Seven.
The planets too.
In lessons I have to
Hide my face
With a book
So teachers
Don't see my tonsils
When I yawn.
I don't read well
In English.
That is all I can't do.
So they put me in with eleven-year-olds.

The Weight of Water
PuisiThis is not my story. This is an actual book written by Sarah Crossan. All rights go to her. Armed with a suitcase and an old laundry bag, Kasienka and her mother head for England. Life is lonely for Kasienka. At home, her mother's heart is brea...