53. She won't live long..

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"Amma, for the third time. I will be at Shikha's.. I promised to meet her today, and I've asked Naveen to pick me up from there." I said as I descended down the stairs.

"Okay.. I guess I'm just.. Just worried... I know that yo- why are you wearing that? I thought you didn't like the dress, that it wasn't comfortable for you." She dropped off, and I found myself struggling for answers.

I was wearing a high V-neck Kurta that I never was comfortable on me. But you cannot roam about in from of your parents, or the person waiting for a 'yes' with a hockey that is now turning more red and prominent.

"It was just... An experiment.."I said, as I avoided her eyes. I diverted my attention to my phone.

Still no message or no call. He hasn't even responded to the 10 missed calls and a hundred messages I had sent Cherry.

"You know you were never comfortable in that dress right? And when you get nervous, you fidget with your dress, and I think this is going to get him distracted.." She started blabbering on, feeling tense. Look who is now fidgetting..

"Maa.. Ma.. I'll be alright, Naveen is also a friend, and I know well about my answer. Just chill.. I'll be fine.. Byee.."I said, as I walked out of the house and got on my scooty.

Soon I was there at Shikha's, and as soon as I rang the bell, aunty was there ushering me in.

Kiran was sitting on the couch watching TV and greeted me as I took a seat opposite his.

"Where is she?" I asked as I once again gave Cherry a call, but that too ended up unattended. Was he ignoring me or did he lose his phone somewhere?

"Ah.. You know how she can be while dress up."He said as he resumed back to watching TV as if it was the usual thing.

"Is it me meeting up with the boys in my life? Or is it her? Im really confused." I said.

Aunty came back from the kitchen with a glass of some drink, and I accepted it gratefully. Liquid really helps to calm my nerve.

"Oh I'm ready... Don't start panicking.." She said as she flew down the stairs. Kiran was literally eyeing her in, and it reminded me of Cherry. Kiran had the same look he used to have, but he would be smirking.. That was his trademark..

"Kiran... Did he call you?" I asked, and Kiran shifted his attention towards me.

"No.. Not since me and Feroz left him.. He wouldn't pick up his call all night.. What happened yesterday? Did he harm you, was he too drunk? He can be a bit hard to manage when drunk.." He asked, as he finished of his drink.

"Yeah..he was really drunk. And thanks for the warning, but its too late.." I said as the moments of last night went past my mind.

His kisses, confessions, insecurities.. Everything..

"Yeah.. I'm ready let's go.. And mom, you know what to say when Meera aunty calls you right?" She asked Sheila Aunty, who now seemed little worried.

"I know.. I'll tell her you two are too busy to take any calls, okay? But are you sure this is safe? What if Gunaa did something?" She completed her sentence looking at me.

The same thought had already entered my mind, but I was just hoping things would be different.

"Mom.. Don't scare her.. Kiran is there with us right?" Shikha said as she put in her heels.

"Haa.. That is my only relief, I feel better when you are around her." Aunty said, as she looked at Kiran who was smiling, while Shikha looked proud.

I couldn't help but forget all anxiety and feel happy for them.

"Don't worry aunty... Gunaa will not do anything so haste. From what I know about him? He will make sure what he will do to Ram. So I'm betting on him dozing out anywhere.." Kiran said, and with that all of us got off the house and into the car.

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