¥ The Kids Aren't All Right - Fall Out boy ¥

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¥ Cameron Smith Cole ¥

I nuzzled in my pillow shoving my head deeper in it. Hoping that it would swallow me up and prevent me to go to school, or probably just my head hurting from that insane party last night.

"Cameron Smith Cole! Get your ass up and get dressed! I swear to God i'm going to leave you and your ass to walk to school!" My friend Cherri scolded me and shoving me awake.

Its only fucking 7:00 school doesn't start till 8:00 jeez can't i get sleep around here. I rolled my eyes and chucked a pillow at her face. I stood up and went to the shower, after i pulled my clothes on. Regular shit. Black skirt—until my mid thigh i'm not a slut, thank you, Jeffrey Campbell's, button up sleeves shirt thats color white, and a stripped sweatshirt. I rolled my sleeves shirt until the stripped sweatshirt and i was good to go.

With my hair in a bun, i'm to lazy to brush it out. Fuck tangles.

"Took you long enough." Cherri commented, walking out the door to her Suzuki.

She kept complaining about us being late, she always does this. And i always doze off just nodding at her nagging. Sometimes i call her mom, then she scolds me again. But if shes in a good mood, she'll go back to Cherri not Cherri mom.

I felt the cold air come through the car doors when i opened it, seeing St. Hillary Christian College will always and forever be sophisticated. And i'm going to keep it that way.

We walked through the entrance and walked straight to Algebra 2. God did i hate math.

"Cameron, the principle's looking for you." I heard my teacher mutter as she still continued writing down the formula for solving X.

I nodded and walked down the halls, leaning over class B to check Oliver. Yup he was in there. He looked over and gave me a wave me returning it. Just to let you know he's the guy who had the party yesterday and got me wasted.

And also my 7th grade crush, past is past. God what did i even see in that guy. Whatever i'm 12th grade i shouldn't give a fuck anymore.

"Ms. Cole, the principal will see you now."

I pushed the door open and i saw the principal talking to a punk dude who had a lip ring, bunch of tattoos, spiked up hair and a cigaret playing on the tip of his fingers.

"Hello Ms. Cole! This is Cameron Dallas! He's the new student who transferred today."

I gave our principal a scrunch of my eyebrows then focused my attention to the punk. He was looking down at my skirt. I pulled it down further—dick.

That action just made 'Cameron' chuckle. I crossed my arms at him. "Not to be rude sir, but why am i here?"

The principal chuckled at me and stood up. "Cameron here doesn't exactly know how St. Hillary works so he's going to have all classes with you so show him around. I'm going to tell all your teachers to let them know that you two have to be together always."

I mentally slapped myself. Always? God i can't handle this. "Also show him his locker." I nodded and waited for Cameron to stand up he did and i followed hearing the principal whisper. "And keep an eye on him."

Cameron was signing his signatures and stuff like that so i quickly walked into the girls bathroom and quickly slip on leggings that was a bit after my knees. I don't want his eyes to meet with my ass.

I walked out and Cameron was still there playing with the same cigaret in his hand and having a complete make-out session with the principals 12th grade secretary. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms at them.

They parted and both lips were swollen, good Lord giving my back a mental pat on the back for coming out sooner. I gave the secretary a scowl and walked out with Cameron.

Will this be a long day. We walked to his locker making it my cue to speak. "Your locker. Put a combination. Stuff won't get stolen. Get it? Okay goodbye."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "So you're gonna leave a new student to figure out the halls himself?" He pretended to sound hurt.

"Pretty much."

Seems like that wasn't the answer he needed cause he had a pen in his hand. "You wouldn't mind if i told the principal about your doings, right?"

I faced him and his lips curled into a smirk, he pulled out his cigaret and lit it. I glared at him and grabbed the cigaret quickly blowing it out and stomping on it. "Even if you tried he wouldn't believe you because i'm the most sophisticated and trustworthy senior class president so... I don't think so."

He pressed a button on his pen and my words about leaving him replayed, he recorded it.

"Yeah, but i have this." He motioned to the pen cocking his head to the side and leaning on his locker. I gave him a glare.

"Its called a hustle, sweetheart."

He cooed, making me walk back towards him and leaning on my locker. Did i mention that it was next to his? God i wish i hadn't gotten to school.


I poked at my lasagna, i can't help but think about Mr. Punk Rock over there. He was sitting with a group of boys who were nothing like him. But they all chorused in laughter and jokes.

I rolled my eyes and continued poking around my food. Cherri must have noticed because she nudged me. "You alright?"

I gave her a nod then she started bickering about Cameron.

"That hot guy that was in our Algebra 2 class is so fucking hot." I chuckled at her exaggeration of him being hot. He just had tattoos and a lip ring thats all, how could that be such a turn on?

I can't wait to go home. The bell rang that meant it was time for French. Cameron stuck next to me and we walked to our lockers. I grabbed my stuff as he fidgeted with his locker.

"Could you go any faster?" I whined clutching the french book in my arms. He pulled his book out and fake smiled me, i returned the fake smile. We both rolled our eyes and walked to french.


Cameron stood up and started walking over to the door. "Mr. Dallas where do you think you're going." I fidgeted in my seat. "The bathroom." he replied, placing his hand on the classroom's doorknob Ms. Claire didn't seem to like it. "Mr. Dallas, i'll let the attitude slip if you can say it in french." i face palmed myself how would this dude know french its like he doesn't even study.

"Je vais a salle de bain, Mme Claire." (i'm going to the bathroom, Ms. Claire)

My jaw dropped and Cameron smirked at me, i pulled my jaw back up and averted my attention back to Ms.Claire. "Tres bien, Mr.Dallas." (very well, Mr.Dallas) Cameron then exited the door.

Ms.Claire then talked about our 50 item test on the French Republic tomorrow, GAH there's a party today! i can't miss it! all the class groaned and we all left.

I searched for Cameron since it was History. I waited for him by our lockers and he still wasn't there. I walked to the boys restroom and knocked on the door.

"Cameron! come out!"

"If you want me out then you have to get me out!"

I swear i am going to kill this boy.

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