¥ Girls - The 1975 ¥

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¥ Cameron Smith Cole ¥
"CAUSE THEY'RE JUST GIRLS BREAKING HEARTS!" The lyrics of Girls by the 1975 were blaring in this house party that Jake's throwing. And i just had 2 beers. Not enough. But i can't get wasted, i have to fucking babysit.

"Hi, have you seen Cameron?" I practically shouted in Oliver's ear, for a spray paint gang party the speakers are in very awesome quality. "He's by the pool!" He answered alcohol lurking in his breath.

I walked over to the pool passing by drunk teens and make-out sessions and one night stands. I'm supposed to be one of those people right now. But now i can't, stupid Cam always have to go to pools.

I looked around and swiftly did i see Cameron's tattoos. He was making out with some chick. Oh how i miss being that chick. The chick that would sleep with anyone cause she was just a reckless problem. Always getting home late with a huge migraine and a huge loss of dignity. Good times.

I looked at my watch and it read; 12:00 am. Crap, there's still school tomorrow. "Cam! Lets go!" I yelled in his ear. He pushed me off making me fall into the pool.

Great thanks Cam. I jumped out of the pool seeing my tights and my tank top soaking wet. Even my hair, good call with the waterproof mascara.

I grabbed Cameron's wrist and pulled him out harshly to my car. "Awwww babe, i was just making out with you." Cameron slurred holding his fist up for me to bump it.

"No." I mumbled shoving his ass to get in the car. "fine!" I started the car and felt the coldness of the water settle in. I smelled something disgusting when i started the engine. I looked over to see Cam, smoking.

"Stop smoking!" I yelled grabbing the cigaret from him seeing him pout at me. I drove out the curb hearing the sound of slurping beside me. I looked over to see Cam drinking beer. "Where in the world are you getting this?!" I whined just letting him have the beer.

"Do you know that i accidentally pushed a girl into a pool today?!" He giggled taking another chug of his beer. "That was me Cam, you pushed me."

He started giggling louder. I noticed he wasn't wearing his seatbelt so i stopped the car and he lounged forward knocking him out.

"Next time, don't push me into a cold pool."


Since i knocked out Cameron i forgot to ask where he lived so i had to bring him back to my place. "Alright up the steps Cam, up the steps." I held onto Cam's back trying to make himself move.

"Too sleepy." He reasoned placing his head on the crook of my neck.

"Cameron get off." I whined feeling him start to drool on my neck. "Gross."

I plopped him down on my bed. He was my guest of course he needs to sleep in my bed. I know you're wondering. 'I thought you hated this dumbass, you're just gonna give up your bed for him?'

Yes, even though i believe this guy doesn't even have a soul at least i have one. I let him lay on the bed. "Sleep tight, dumbass."

He gave me a smile and then tucked himself under my sheets. I turned my back on him grabbing a pair of my basketball shorts. "Goodnight." He mumbled into my Green Day pillow.



"Cameron! Breakfast!" I heard him groan as he walked down the stairs. "Why did you wake me up so early in the morning?" I chuckled at him. "Its 10:00 am, shit face." He wiped the drool of his face. "Only in the morning but by the afternoon. Daddy's home."

I rolled my eyes at his joke and gave him his bacon and eggs. /pfft hahaha double meaning/

"So whats your name?" He asked me munching on the crispy bacon. "Cameron." "Yeah?"


"What?" He asked, "Come on answer the question, Cole." He crossed his arms.

"Cameron." I said again. "Stop stalling whats your name?!" He practically yelled pouting at me. "My names Cameron."

His eyes grew wider and i laughed at his reaction. "Wow that took you longer than i expected to get it right."

"I feel like such a dumbass right now." He joked munching on his bacon again.

"Good thing you know." He gave me a sarcastic look and we both ended up laughing.

"I hate you Cameron dos."

"Don't call me that, Cam."

"Well suck it, Cameron dos."

"Fuck off."

"Make me."

"Okay sure go home then stay in your boy bedroom and fuck off." He started laughing.

"You totally understood that right?" I chuckled him high fiving me. "Dirty dirty, Cameron dos." I chuckled. "Whatever."

"So where does Cameron Dallas live?" "Just um, 7 blocks from here." I face palmed. "And i let you sleep in my house when you just fucking live 7 blocks down?" "Pretty much." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Have you ever heard a name of i don't know... Cherri?"

"Yeah i have, just this chick i banged the other day. Let me tell you one thing. Big ass Cameron dos, big ass." I chucked my throw pillow at him. "That was my friend you douche! What the hell is the matter with you?! You date her then when you have sex you dump her out on the curb?!"

He grabbed a beer from my brother's cooler and chuckled. "Oh sweet sweet Cameron dos. Thats what i do for a living so you shouldn't be that surprised."

"Oh i am Cam, i am." He took another swig of his beer walking out my house. "YOU'RE A DICK!" I shouted at him.


I had a disgusted look written on my face. God, never in a million years. "Oh it is on, Dickface."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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