Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello to anyone who is reading (probably no one, but let's be optimistic!) Firstly, thanks for taking time to read this. Secondly this was written on my phone so please ignore any spelling or grammatical errors (and point them out too!), much appreciated.

Yours Sincerely, S.

(Ps. Hope you enjoy it!!)

I crouched down gently, my bare feet making no sound against the ground as I slowly inched forward, bit by bit. This had to go off without a hitch, nothing could go wrong. We had been planning this for weeks. I knew that if this went wrong there wasn't much hope left for us. But this wouldn't go wrong. Would it...?

From where I was crouched in the shadows at the corner of the street I could see all the way down the street to the house at the end, without fear of being seen by anyone. The guards milled around the front of the house, some chatting, others standing stoic and alert. That definitely ruled the front of the house out as an option for entering, but of course I knew all this I had planned my route our perfectly already, all I had to do now was execute it.

I retreated further into the shadows letting my hand trail gently akin the dark wall until it hit something. I grasped onto the ladder firmly before hoisting myself up and into the dark, becoming nothing but a shadow of the night.

I reached the top, hoisting myself up and over onto the roof, landing in a crouch position. I straightened up before breaking into a sprint across the rooftop, time was running out already.

As I neared the edge of the rooftop I leapt through the air letting myself fly through the air until gravity began to take its course again and dragged me back down onto the roof opposite. The impact of the landing shot up through my bare feet and I took a few quick steps to get my balance before continuing to dash across the rooftop.

I leapt across the next gap and came to a stop halfway across that roof. I slowed my pace down, quieting my breathing simultaneously. As I neared the edge of the rooftop I glanced around my surroundings, double checking everything I already knew to be fact. The ground below me was quiet, no sign of any guards, through the window directly across from me I could see two guard stood in front of a door and through the window directly below that I could see an empty hallway.

I breathed in deeply, preparing myself. I took three large steps backwards. I breathed in once more before sprinting to the edge of the roof. My body flew from the roof towards the building opposite. As I felt myself begin to plummet I reached my arms forward, preparing them for the impact. My fingers latched tightly onto the windowsill as my body swing forward, chilli ding with the wall and knocking the breath out of me. I silently winced in pain, struggling to hold in my grunt.

My fingers had loosened slightly from the impact and I could feel myself slipping slowly. I let go of the windowsill with one hand as I swung up with the other before latching it back on quickly. I then hoisted myself up onto the windowsill, my arms burning from the effort.

I sat on the edge of the windowsill, my back and feet braces to keep me steady. I pulled a pair of clips from my hair and got to work on the lock. Soon I heard an almost silent click as the latch gave way. I slowly slid the window up, praying that the hinges would t creak.

As soon as the window was halfway open I quickly slid through and shut it behind me. I took a moment to catch my breath and get my bearings before advancing quietly down the hallway.

A doorway to my left marked the entrance to the servants quarters. I slipped inside, silently blending into the dark. I edged my way along the wall passing the kitchen where sounds of rambunctious laughter echoed from along with a waft of the heavenly goodness of evening meal.

I made it to the stairway unseen. I slipped in, climbing a floor. I inched the door open a fraction to peer out into the hallway. The room I needed to get to was at the far end of the hallway, unguarded. The two guards in the hall were at the far end, not paying much attention to that end of the hallway. I glanced upwards, spotting the wooden rafters holding the ceiling up.

A moment later I was out the door and scaling up the walls before sliding into position above the rafters just as one of the guards glanced down the hallway.

The cramped space between the wooden beams and the ceiling above didn't allow for much movement. I used my arm to drag me slowly towards my destination.

As I stopped above the doorway I took one last look at the guards before I reached my hand down and cracked the door open an inch. I then opened it further as I slithered through the gap and landed silently on the floor inside the door. I breathed a sigh of relief, I was in.

I hurried I the desk and began shuffling through the papers, searching , searching. I could hear footsteps approaching the office. My heartbeat quickened, my pulse rushed and I could hear my blood pumping through me. I finally found it a slipped it into my cloak just as the door opened and I dropped to the ground as silently as possible, rolling under the desk.

The man who had entered was around forty with black hair and a narrow stature, dressed impeccably in an expensive suit. He walked over to a cabinet and began to pour himself a glass of brandy. I slid out from my hiding place and stalked towards him. Before he could shout, or even realise I was there I had knocked him out and caught him placing him gently in the floor.

I moved towards the one window knowing I couldn't go back out the way I had come now. I glanced out. The window faced out onto the back of the house. Three guards stood guard at the small gate leading out onto the alley. I could hear the guards shuffling around outside the door and knew I had no other choice.

I took o e last look around the office before opening the window and jumping out before taking off at a sprint across the garden, knowing the guards would spot me any moment. I hopped up onto the shed and took a running leap at the wall hoisting myself up as I heard the cries of alarm from the guards. I dropped down the other side, my knees almost buckling from the shock and took off sprinting down the alley.

I could hear their pounding footsteps behind me and knew that they would soon be joined by others. I pumped my arms faster trying to outrun them. I crashed through a bustling street, keeping my head low in order to get lost in the crowds. I sprinted down a side alley, breathing in relief when I heard no footsteps behind me.

I sprinted down a few more alleys. I careened around a corner almost bumping into someone. I glanced and balked when I saw that it was one of the guards. I didn't for it anymore thought as he charged towards me. I quickly sidestepped him, bringing my foot out, causing him to lose his balance but not quite bringing him to the ground. He quickly turned around coming at me again, his fist swinging towards my head. I brought my forearm up to block it and grunted at the force. I knocked his arm out of the way and smashed my elbow into his jaw with a sickening crunch, causing his head to reel back as I brought my knee up into his gut.

I heard the sound of someone else approaching. I quickly flung the guard j to their path hearing them stumble and fall before I took off once again, sprinting faster than before.

I finally made it back to the shelter soothing through the door before closing it behind me, leaning against it and taking deep breaths. Well that could've gone worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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