Chapter 2

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The last bell off the day rang, instantly everyone sighed a sigh of releif to be finished with school for the day. I started slowly gathering my things, flinging them into my bag in no particular order. As soon as they were all in there (I hoped) I zipped my bag up and fled the classroom, again getting lost in the sea of students. I hope I don't miss the bus, because if I do I will punch something.

As if on queue, I got out of the school gates and saw the bus right there. I flung my bag over my shoulder and made a heavy sprint for the bus. My hands were waving around like crazy, trying to catch the attention of the bus driver. Luckily, he stopped. I got on, showing him my bus pass, he glared at me for a second then nodded. I swore my lungs were dying at that moment in time. I sat my butt down on one of the seats, and sighed in exhaustion. I had never ran that far in my entire life and wasn't planning on doing it again.

A smile appeared on my face when we finally reached my stop, I ran off of the bus, saying a quick thanks to the driver and started walking towards my house.

My house was a fairly large house, but very plain, and boring. I really wanted to decorate it with my Mum and Dad, but my Dad was always working and my Mum was always stressing about my little brother Owen. He was really annoying but I loved him. (Most of the time) 

Grabbing the metal door handle, I pushed it down and opened the door to a welcoming scent coming from my kitchen. I swiftly chucked my bag onto the floor and headed towards the kitchen to greet my mum.

"Hey Mum!" I smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hi sweetheart. How was your day?" She asked, stirring some pasta.

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say. 'Oh yeah Mum, Caroline is pregnant and now me and my friends are gonna get revenge on the ass that did it!' Obviously not. "Uh.. it was.. Event-full?" I try.

"Oh, okay, I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it?" She turns to face me, raising her eyebrow. I shake my head in response. "Okay, well, if you want to tell me anything then I'm always here. Dinner will be ready in half an hour." I nod and walk towards the stairs, grabbing my bag along the way. 

I sprint up the stairs as I had realised suddenly that I needed to pee, really badly, I threw open my door, disposed of my bag and went to pee. Why did I tell you that? I dunno.

Soon after, I opened my drawers and grabbed some leggings and a Grey Adidas hoodie, quickly changing into them.I lunged onto my bed, enjoying the peace. My peace was short lasting and my iPhone decided to do the harlem shake on my desk. Groaning I picked it up and answered the call.

"What?" I muttered into the phone. 

"Hey!!!" I heard multiple voices. I think it was, Re, Lucy, Caroline and Dannie. 

"Hi. I guess... Whats up?" I asked.

"Well, I got Lucy, Caroline and Dannie to come over, and now we all need to talk, the phone is on speaker. " Re spoke. I nodded and then realised they cant see me.


"So, eh, you know that I'm pregnant, right?" Caroline said, just above a whisper. 

"Yeah.." I replied. Suddenly, my idea came back to me. I had to tell them. "Oh! About that, I just remembered something. I came up with this. It's called 'The 'Fake Girlfriend' Project'" I was suddenly really excited.

"The fake girlfriend project? What the hell?" Dannie shouted over the phone.

"No, listen. Harry Styles, the asshole. We need to get revenge, we need to make him feel how you feel. For your sake and the sake of the next girls life's he wants to ruin. Caroline, he ruined your teenage life. So now, I want him to pay for that. One of us, is going to go out with him. That person needs to pretened to love him, they need to make him feel great, and then when he's madly in love. We need to break his heart into peices. Now I know this will be difficult, because he's a player. But I think with the right amount of planning this could work." I was just throwing my idea out there. I heard a couple of mumbles on the other line.

"Ok." Caroline finally answered. "Lets do it. But, who's gonna do it?" 

"I think Ellie should do it." Re confidently said. I could imagine the smirk on her face right now.

"No! Not me! Why me?" I moaned.

"You came up with the plan! And, you're different, kinda, Harry Styles has never been with someone like you." Dannie explained.

"But-" I got cut off.

"No butts! You are doing it! You, came up with the plan, and besides, we are all going to have a part in this. Somehow." Re squealed at me,

I huffed in frustration. I guess they are right, I should do it. "Okay, fine. Whatever. We can talk more about this tomorrow." I hung up before they could answer and let out a deep breath that I wasn't aware I was holding in. "I guess I'm gonna be Harry Styles' next target." I whispered to myself. 

This had advantages too, I loved Caroline as my best friend, and she was probably suffering the most. So she deserved to make Harry Styles feel the same way. Do it for her Ellie. Do it for the rest of the girls that Harry has targeted.


A/N Hey readers! Harry comes into the next chapter! WOOT! If you want to, follow me on twitter @A_Cup_Of _Harry and comment and vote please :) If anyone wants to make me a better cover I'll be happy :D <3

Love ya! 


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