Chapter Seven

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         The next morning I find myself waking up early and actually trying to dress nice. I wear nice jeans that I paid more money for than I ever have on anything except for maybe a few video games, and find a clean blue button up to wear over my white tee shirt. I look good and presentable, the typical Liam. The way everyone expects me to dress today. It's a Friday, and Fridays are game days, so everyone always looks their best. It's true what they say about high school, it's all just one big popularity contest, and I'm a contestant.

         I walk into the kitchen, and guess what? I don't smell a delicious breakfast. What? No breakfast? Yes, that's right, Dad doesn't wake up early enough to do that, and Mom won't be home for another week or two.

         Bringing four bowls and the the cereal down from the cabinets, I place them all on the counter. I go to the refrigerator, grab the carton of milk, and place it too on the counter. Then I go to tell the girls and Kyle that's if they plan to eat, they need to come downstairs already. Kyle races down the stairs to make his bowl, but the girls are both still in their pajamas.

         “Kayla, didn't I tell you to get Lilly dressed for daycare?” I ask, but afraid that she might cry, I wave it off immediately. “It's okay, we still have half an hour before we need to leave anyway.”

         I find her some clothes then have her help me find Lilly something to wear. Whoever said “gay” guys have fashion sense must have lied because I'm not sure if all pink matches each other, but she's seven so no one will care, right? Guys don't have fashion sense. Or at least, I don't.

         If you ever have to dress two little girls for school, just know it's more difficult than you think. They will evade your continuous attempts to dress them, until even you are about to give up. But then they'll surprise you and put the clothes on anyhow. I think they just wanted the satisfaction of irritating me, but what do I know?

         Forty minutes later, we're all buckled and in my car, and heading to Lilly's daycare. I'm trying not to speed, in fear of a ticket, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. I know we're rushing it, but I can't let Kayla and Kyle be late for school. I'd never hear the end of it from Mom and Dad. Then again if I get a ticket, that will be the end of me as well.

         I decide to keep speeding anyway.

         Eventually we reach Lilly's stop, and I get out, unbuckle her, then take her inside her daycare. Six minutes later we're back on the road, and I'm listening to Kyle and Kayla complain about my music. Last night, I downloaded Bowling For Soup's entire Sorry For Partyin' album. It's different than my usual taste, but it's still good.

         Currently their song entitled My Wena is playing, and although it's not that appropriate, I leave it on anyway. I need something to chill my mood. School starts in precisely twenty-three minutes, and I still have to take Kayla and Kyle to their respective schools. I'm doomed to be tardy.

         8:12 A.M.

         I'm late. Nine minutes late to be exact. Deciding that seeing as how I'm already tardy, I might as well walk slowly and just enjoy my walk to Calculus. I watch the other late kids shuffle off to class, a couple kiss in the hallway, a gang of girls walk out of the bathroom together, and then there's me. Alone. But being alone is okay, as long as you're content with it. I am. I think.

         Three girls wave at me as they see me pass by, but I just send them a small smile.

         “Love the shirt Liam!” one of them tells me. She's obviously trying to flirt as she presses her palm down on my chest, eying me up as if I'm some new type of sweater on the clearance rack. It's not difficult for me to act uninterested, because there's nothing hot about this. I don't even know her really, we just have English together.

I mumble a thanks, then make a move to continue walking, she follows.

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