Chapter Fourteen

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         Connor calls me the day of the dinner to ask me if I think Callie and Jack are serious. I can't figure out if they are or not so I just tell him we'll see how it goes. I think he's worried because he knows if his parents approve that there will be nothing holding them back, and they'll be together every time they can. I don't mention it, but I know that's what's bothering him. I can't say I blame him because I don't.

         I just don't know if I should be happy for Jack or not. He's the best friend a guy could ask for, but he's never been a good boyfriend to anyone. If he messes up with Callie what if he also messes up my chances with Connor eventually?

         Then again, if that was going to happen it would have already, I think.

         "How do you feel about tonight?" he asks, and I know that he's not as worried as I am about it. He's always so sure of everything. I think we may be polar opposites sometimes.

         "I feel like it's quite possibly the worst way to spend my Thursday," I tell him honestly. "I'd rather have my toenails ripped off."

         "Is eating dinner with me that bad?"

         He begins to laugh and I begin to laugh right along with him despite how much I don't want to go tonight. There's simply something about his carefree laugh that gets me. I like it. A lot.


         "Well, that's understandable," he tells me and I hear him laughing again.

         "I'm glad you agree."

         "Liam?" he asks, but before I can answer he carries on talking, "What are we?"

         He catches me off guard with this. The sudden change in tone from playful to serious always gets me. It's weird how fast he can change moods. Yet, I continuously wonder the same thing. What are we? I told him we were a thing, boyfriends even, but here I am being a fool again and questioning everything. Why am I always like this? Why can't I just feel what I want to feel and go with it? Why must I overthink things, why do I have to always worry about stupid things?

         "I don't really know," I say sheepishly.

         "What's there to lose Liam?"

         He's right.

         "I don't really know," I say again.

         "Y'know, I still like you even though you don't know much today," he says calmly.

         "You say that as if I know much any day," I tell him laughing, trying to bring the conversation back to playful rather than serious.

         "Still," Connor says, "what are we?"

         I sigh, and he hears it because he sighs as well.

         "Okay," he says and I swear I can feel the disappointment in his voice.

         "Okay what?" I ask.

         "I won't rush you."

         "You're not."

         "But I am."

         "Well maybe I like the rushing."

         "Don't act flirty with me, I'm trying to be annoyed with you."

         "I'm not flirting, I don't even know how to flirt anymore. My flirting bone is broken."

         "Sometimes I wonder if stupidity is contagious Liam, I think Jack's rubbing off on you. Your flirting bones?"

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