What do i do after home

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As we laid there I thought about what to do. Do I just get and leave or does he have to tell me to leave, finally I came up with the answer. I leaned over and was kissing him and right after he was kissing me back I pulled away and said," Well that was great, but it is getting a little late so I am going to go. But I will see you tomorrow at school." " Oh yay totally thanks for going out with me it was fun." I as I put my shoes on I walked out the door. My hair was a mess and I didn't have my shoes on yet. You could totally tell I just got laid. When I walked into the family room his parents and little brother just got home. They could totally see that we just had sex, but they weren't surprised. It looked like they have seen that many times before. So we chit chatted and I walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2016 ⏰

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