Making Plans And Horsey Race

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After cleaning my cheek and leaving Daisy, I have no idea where to go next. The sun is setting and I need to sleep. Before I'm able to take one step I hear,"Lost? Here let me take you to your new room." I look to my right and see Dante. "Okay..." I say following him. He leads me to this room with Jessica and Emily. "You will be sharing the room with them. I gotta go." Dante says and leaves. I look at them and Emily runs toward me, Jessica right behind her. Emily is the first to hug me and then Jessica. "Yay your with us!" Exclaims Emily. I smile and ask,"Okay so where do I sleep?" Jessica points to the bed near the window. "Over there, I'm across you and Emily too." Jessica responds. I nod and go on the bed while I take off my new boots. I then put my jacket down on the bed. "Okay well I'm gonna go to sleep." I say to them. They nod and say,"Me too." I blow the candle out and it get dark. I look out the window at the stars and drift off to sleep.

After I feel asleep, I wake up. I look around see a small candle lit in the hallway. I get up off the bed and go down the small hallway. Sure enough there is a candle, barely lit. I walk down the stairs and see that the door to the garden is open. I slowly step outside leaving the door like it was. I look around and see Ben at the fountain. I walk over to him and say,"Hey. What you doing out here?" I startled him making him jump a bit. "I just needed some fresh air." Ben said. I gave him a 'really' look. He shrugged and threw a gold coin in the water. "What you doing?" I asked him. "I'm throwing coins in the fountain. Helps me think about stuff." He answers. I wanted to ask what he thinks of but I couldn't. "Anyways, let's just go back inside and sleep. Tomorrow we're making plans." He said walking towards the door. I followed and went back to my bed. I barely slept.

I woke up by Jessica and Emily who were getting up and yawning really loud. "Hey. How'd you sleep?" Emily asked. I shrugged. "I haven't slept like this in a long time." I respond. "So today we all have a surprise for you so get ready quick." Jessica said heading towards the bathroom with clothes. After all of us changing (I got new jeans with another tank top), we headed down stairs to the garden. I already saw David, Dante, Travis, and Ben. They were near a horse! I took one good look at the horse and immediately recognized it. It was the horse I escaped on when I left the castle. "Oh my god. Wait is this the horse that the woman found me with?" I ask. They all nod. "What you gonna name it?" Asked David. "Wait? This is my horse? You guys aren't gonna take it?" I ask urgently. "No! Of course not. It's yours. So what you gonna name it?" Asked David again. The horse was white all over and was very beautiful. "I think I'm gonna name it, Raspberry." I said. They laughed, mostly because it's not even close to a red color. I shrugged and thought this was a beautiful name for it. "Can I please ride it? Please?" I asked them. "Well that's why we brought you here. Of course we're gonna let you ride it." Said Dante. I hopped on the horse and brushed it's mane with my hands. It's so soft. I began to ride it slowly I the garden and then the horse started going faster till it was basically running. I held on tighter. This horse, my horse, was amazing. I then slowed it down and got off, standing next to the water fountain. I sat on the edge and put my hands on my knees, looking down at the water. "So we know you only been here for like a day, but we need to make plans to sneak into the castle." Said Jennifer. "What kind of plans?" I asked. "Come on Hope, let's go inside and let's talk about it." Said Travis putting his arm around me. I threw his arm off me and walked inside. We all gathered around the table that I first saw them with. "Okay so we all are need some clothes to blend with the people in the castle. But only some of you are going in. Dante, Travis, Maddy, Alex, Ben, Nancy, and Hope. If you would like Hope." Said David. "I would like to go in." I said. "Okay so the rest of you need to help from the outside. Which means you guys will stay here. Steven, Christian, Cindy, Kemberly, and Laurence." Said David. "And the rest of you will go inside but not in the castle. You guys will stay at the doors and distracting the guards. Emily, Jessica, Mike, and Daisy." We all nodded. "Now, everybody to the stables!" Yelled Mike. "Wait you guys have stables?!" I asked in confusion. Nobody even answered me cause they were all ready running. So I just caught up with them. "Okay so everybody get your horses. Hope your horse is in this stable, the last one." Said Jennifer. For some reason ever since I met Jennifer, I thought she is mean and doesn't like me. She never wants me around and every time I walk in or say hi to someone, mostly Ben, she gets Orestes and leaves. I nod and head over to Raspberry. "How you doing girl?" I say I Raspberry. "Okay everybody listen up. We are all gonna have a race with our horses around the garden and then into the woods. There are boundaries marked with red flags. So all of us should reach the blue flag if we all follow the red ones. Okay get on your horses!" Yelled Maddy who clearly put up the flags so she will obviously know where to go, I thought to myself. "Emily? Can you pass me a saddle?" I asked her. She nodded and went into a small closet. "Here, it's black so yeah." Said Emily. I smiled and went to go put in on Raspberry. I began tying it and then heard someone behind me. "You know you shouldn't get to comfortable with us. People like you don't stay long." Then I just realized that it was the one and only, Jennifer. What's her problem? I turn around and she's not there. She must have walked away. I just pretend I didn't hear her and continue with the saddle. I look over at Jessica feeding carrots to her black horse, damn it's dark. I walk over to her and ask,"What its name?" Jessica answers,"Shadow." I respond with,"Hello Shadow. Well I got to go." And then I just walk back over to Raspberry. Next stable is Emily's horse. "So, your horse is red. What's it's name?" I ask as I look over. Emily looks at me happily. "He's name is Cool Patrick." Emily responds with a smile. I nod, that's a weird but cool name. I then just turn around and start to brush Raspberry's fur with a fine tooth comb. After brushing for a while I get startled by this loud voice. "ALL RIGHT! EVERYONE BRING YOUR HORSES A FEW FEET OUT FROM THE STABLES! THIS IS WHERE WE'RE GONNA START! REMEMBER, FOLLOW THE FLAGS! FOLLOW THE RED AND THEN YOU SHOULD REACH THE BLUE ONE! AND YOU FINISH SIMPLE ENOUGH!" Yelled David. So as told I got on Raspberry and moved a few feet in front on the stable. "OKAY IM GONNA BEAT EVERYONE HERE!" Yelled what I thought was Dante or Travis. "Oh shut up Travis. Hope might beat you at this like at fighting." Said Maddy clearly annoyed. After that comment all I heard was, 'oooooo'. I smiled. I mean this isn't my first time riding a horse, but I'm not a pro. "OKAY I AM GONNA BE AT THE FINISH LINE! I'LL SEE WHO WINS FIRST!" Yelled David. "READY! SET! GO!!!" Screamed Jennifer as loud as possible. Raspberry must have known what that meant cause I was already ahead of many people. "Come on girl. We can do this." I said stroking her mane. With that for some reason, she moved faster. I really had to hold on. "Move Sugar! Move!" Yelled- who- Jennifer who was close behind me. We were now heading towards the woods. I saw the first red flag. 'So far so good Hope'. I smiled as I saw the next one. "Turn Raspberry." I said. She turned. I don't know how, but I could feel people coming closer. And sure enough, I was right. "Heyyyyy Hope!" Steven said looking at me. I smile and waved a little. I look to my left and there is Emily and Alex. "EMEX!" I yell looking at them. They get startled and look my way, blushing like tomatoes. I think Emily got courage and said,"And I'm proud!" I started laughing so hard but then remembered that I'm on a horse! I look forward and there is a flag, a red one. Me and Raspberry were going faster by the minute. I noticed that my body was tense. But then after getting farther ahead, I calmed. It's like my body could feel people's presence near me, it's strange. It feels like forever. Deeper into the woods, darker it gets. I start to feel scared, but in the distance I see a bright, red, flag tied to a tree branch. I feel safer and immediately remember that everybody is behind me and can arch up any moment. "Alright come on Raspberry. All most there girl." I say sweetly. I pet her mane and rub her skin when is it straight up and my spine gets this chill. I hear laughing and galloping close. Someone is near. I quickly look back and see Jessica, Emily, and Alex laughing together. I smile and look behind them. Dante and Travis are having a fight with their horses. Idiots. Who the fudge fights while riding a horse? I turn forward and see in the very distance, the brightest blue flag. "Raspberry we can win. It's now or never." I say to Raspberry. She picks up the pace and my heart thumps rapidly as we get near. We are so close when I hear a laugh behind me next thing I know, I'm on the ground. Hands covered in mud. Scratches on my elbows (Since I took off my jacket before we started). And blood on me. Someone pushed me! I look back at Raspberry who is fine and stares at me in worry, eyes focused on my hands. "It's okay girl. I'm fine." I whisper. I don't get on, but see Jennifer and her horse at the finish. Of course, she probably pushed me off to win. David, is not congratulating her. Instead he is telling her to stop and says something else, when he does she looks shocked and speechless. I grab Raspberry's rope and pull her with me to David. "That's not fair. I didn't do that!" Exclaims Jennifer. "Hope? Hope! What happened? Are you okay? Let's get you cleaned up. Is Raspberry okay?" Everybody catches up and their questions come a mile and minute. "One at a time. One at a time." I say dusting my hands which is a mistake because I have scratches there. "What happened?" Asks Daisy. I sigh. "I felt slime thing against my back, like a push and then I fell off." I say looking down. "You okay?" Asks Nancy. I nod. "Just really dirty." I say with a smile. I fell but I'm not all that negative about it. "Let's get you new clothes Hope." Says Emily and Jessica start to pull me to the house. I look back. "Wait. What about Rasp-" I got cut off by Dante who has Raspberry. "I got her. I'll take her back to her stable. Go change." He says. I smile and nod. I get some exact same clothes when we go back in. "Hey Hope we all are gonna go get ready for tomorrow night. Wanna come?" Asks Emily. I shake my head. "No I'm tired." Jessica and Emily nod and leave our room. I sit on my bed and fall asleep, holding my necklace with my name. 'Why can't I ever be normal?' I ask myself. 'Because your unique. Your not like very one else. That why' says the voice. I turn to my right and stare out the window. I fall asleep holding my necklace.

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