Going In

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"Ahhhhh. What the fuck!" Yelled Ben. I wake up and rush to the next room. I open the door and see Ben getting out of bed. "What the shit Jennifer?!" Ben exclaims. "What? I'm just trying to... Take off your shirt." Jennifer says smirking. She is in his bed, half naked. "Okay, what the shit is this?" I ask looking at Ben and then at Jennifer. She begins to twirl her long blonde hair. "Why I was just laying down here with Ben. Who got scared cause I was trying to take his shirt off." Jennifer answers. I look at her in disbelief. "Okay you need to get out of here, right now!" Yelled Ben who probably woke up everybody. Jennifer got up, looking at me like she was going to kill me. As she walked past me she whispered in my ear. "You won't have him for long, Hope." She whispered brushing my hair with her hand. And with that she left the room. "Hope, listen. SHE came to me, not the other way around. Hope please understand-" Ben was trying to say before I cut him off. "Yeah Ben I know. She came to you. No worries it was obviously her. Don't worry." I said walking towards him. I wrap my arms around his neck and just stare at him. Ben hugs me and cups my cheeks and kisses me. Of course I'm on my tiptoes when he does this (Once again it's because I'm to short). "Sleep... Sleep with me tonight." Ben says letting go of my lips. "Yeah, yeah of course." I respond smiling. He smiles back as he picks me up and gently (The key word is gently) throws me on the bed. "Can you at least close the door now?" I ask looking at the door. So he walks over and closes it. Ben comes back and goes under the covers with me. "Good night babe." He says. "Good night." I respond giving him a half smile.

When I wake up I see Ben, shirtless. I stare for a while and then he puts on another shirt. "Hey, Hope." Ben says smiling at me. I get up off the bed and start to walk over to the door. "Hope, today is the day." Ben says giving me a serious look. I know what he means, we are going into the castle today. "So today, today? When are we going?" I asked Ben who is holding my hand. "We have to check with David on that, let's go. But first go get dressed." Ben responded. I nodded and went to my room. All I had on was my tank top and jeans. So I got my boots and jacket and put them on. I brushed my hair with my hands and left to Ben's room, only to stop by Jennifer. "Ben is my man okay. So back off, bitch." She said. I shrugged and said, "So why is he with me then?" She stepped up to me, inches away from my face. "You don't stand a chance against me, Hope." Jennifer snarled snapping her fingers in my face. "Well we'll see about that." I responded and began to walk away. I turned around and said, "Oh by the way, I can snap to." While I said that I snapped my fingers and then walked downstairs to the garden. 'Frick in hungry' I thought heading towards the kitchen. David, Maddy, Emily, Jessica, and Alex were already there. "Hey guys. What's up?" I asked taking a piece of bread from the counter. "So do you know about today?" David asked. Before I could answer, Ben walked in and said, "Yeah I told her. So when are we going David?" I looked at Ben who started walking towards me. "We are actually leaving in the night, less likely to be seen." Answered David. "Are we gonna get ready?" I asked barely finishing the piece of bread that was in my mouth. David nodded. I feel some strong arms wrap around me and realized that it's not Ben. "Who the fuck are y-" I was cut off by a louder voice than mine. "Hey babe." TRAVIS said. I quickly turn around and pushed him off me, violently. "Oh shit! I thought you were Maddy!" Travis said looking at me in an ugly way. "Well 1. I'm Hope. 2. I don't have black hair. And 3. You, Travis, like Maddy?!" I asked. He blushed a very deep red and gave me a half smile. I was shocked, Travis, the dude I beat the shite out of, liked my friend Maddy. "I can't believe this. We have to go tell her right now. Like now." I said grabbing Travis's hand and pulling him outside where Maddy was. "Hey where you think your going with my girl?" Asked Ben from behind. Travis pulled his hand back and stood there. "Okay so Ben, it turns out Travis here likes... Maddy!" I explained to Ben giving him jazz hands. He laughed. "Wow dude. You need to tell her." Ben said pushing him outside. I grabbed his hand again and pulled him outside. After a couple of struggles, we finally got Travis next to Maddy who was talking to Daisy. "I'm sorry Daisy buy this is really important. Can Travis and Maddy talk for a moment?" I asked looking at Maddy and Travis. Daisy smiled and left. I'm pretty sure she got the message. "So what's up? Why did you guys push Travis here and why is he blushing?" Asked Maddy folding her arms. "Well... Actually Travis wanted to tell you something." I said. Ben pushed Travis forward by a little bit. "M-Maddy, I-I really l-like y-you. And yes m-more than a f-friend." Travis said looking down. He barely managed to say it between all his stuttering. Maddy blushed like crazy. "Same here!" Maddy yelled. To my complete surprise, Maddy pulled Travis into a deep, aggressive kiss! I smiled and then Ben pulled me into a kiss. "Alex look!" I could hear Emily say. And then Alex kissed Emily. Three major kisses going on. The rest of the people gathered all around us and stared in shock. Mostly because of Maddy and Travis. For some strange reason, all of us broke the kiss at the exact same time. "I love y- Hold on hair in my mouth- I love you Ben." I said (Taking out the stupid hair in my mouth). "I can do better!" Jennifer said walking towards Ben and was about to kiss him, BEFORE I came in and pushed her aside. To make her jealous, I kissed Ben again and this time he carried me; bridal style. Ben broke the kiss and smiled at me, our lips were only like an inch apart. "Okay that's enough of all the kissing. Let's go! It's time to go into the castle!" Yelled David. All of us, I mean all of us rushed back inside to get ready. Of course I was ready but I undid my ponytail and did it again. I pushed my bangs to my right so I could see. I also got my bandanna that I kept on the grip on of my dagger. I only tied it around my neck, not putting it on my face yet. I walked out of my room and saw that Emily and Jessica were ready. "Hey Hope, so we are gonna get in our groups that David told us the other day." Emily said motioning me towards the door to go downstairs. So the three of us walk down to the 'preparation room' where we meet up before something special. "Okay so lastly, Hope, Jessica, and Emily. We're all here." Mike announced. "So people who are staying here, you guys will talk to the people inside and help them through these ear pieces. Those people are Steven, Christian, Cindy, Kemberly, and Laurence." David announced. Those people all high fives each other. "People who are gonna distract the guards and keep a look out are Emily, Jessica, Mike, and Daisy." David said pointing at them. They all cheered. "And last of the people, you guys are gonna actually gonna be going in and getting the evidence. That's Dante, Travis, Alex, Maddy, Nancy, Ben, and Hope. You guys are our skilled people, especially Ben and Hope. You guys need to stay together, always." David said and then pointed at me and Ben. Ben reached for my hand and grabbed it. I looked at him and he mouthed, "Together. Forever." I smiled and nodded. "Okay so come get your ear pieces. The first group who is staying here are gonna be connected to the other two groups. All you guys will communicate with each other if needed or for information." David explained. I walked up to grab one for me and one for Ben. When David put the two in my hand I was surprised. These things were very small. I walked back and have it to Ben. He adjusted it and it looked totally invisible. I put on mine and then put up my bandanna. "Okay so you guys who are gonna sneak in, are gonna go from up the rooftops and over the walls. If you get left behind or spotted call for help on the communicator. But if you do it correctly nothing is gonna happen." David explained. I kinda got scared when he said if we get caught. I mean I've been caught many times while I was in the run but if I don't get away quick enough... I'm dead. Ben had on a calming face and was chill, but then he saw me and got a worried look. Ben cupped my cheeks. "What's wrong?" He asks. I shrug. "If I fall or anyone in our group and we get caught, we might... Might not make it out alive. And I can't let that happen to you." I explain as I rub his cheek and then lean on his chest. Ben hugs me tight and tells me, "It's okay. David said if we follow instructions we'll be fine. And me and you are powerful together, remember?" I nod remembering what David said. "We're gonna be okay Hope. Everything's gonna be okay." Ben said stroking my hair. Usually I don't like it when people comfort me, but I'm really worried about losing Ben this mission. 'I can't lose him. I can't' I think. "Okay so only a few minutes and then we're leaving." David announced. "Be careful Alex, please." Emily says to Alex as I look over at them. "I will, but you should really check on Hope. She's also the one who's gonna be going." Alex responds pointing at me. Emily kisses Alex on the cheek and walks over to me. Ben let's go of me, even though I don't want him to. "Hey Hope. Your my friend and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Please be safe when your out there. Be careful." Emily says holding my hands. I nod and smile. I pull her into a hug and she hugs back. Then me and Emily are hugged by Ben and Alex. Me, Ben, Emily, and Alex are all hugged by the rest of the group. Some tears shed, but not me. "Okay break it up you guys. It's not like we're all gonna die!" Jennifer says pushing me outta the way and sliding her finger down Ben's shirt. "Hope?" Ben asks walking towards me and away from Jennifer. I look up at him. "If anything happens there, I just wanted to let you know... That I won't leave you behind." Ben said as he is pushing my bangs to the right. "Same here." I respond hugging him. And then my team and Mike's team gear up and head out the door to the streets of the kingdom. Jessica, Emily, Daisy, and Mike are all dressed up in huge robes that cover their face all the way to their feet. You can barely see their faces. They are all the way in front of us while my team is afar. I pull up my bandanna and look down. Some people look at me suspiciously but if it wasn't night, they would have noticed me right away. "Many people are staring at you intensely. You were really known here." Ben whispered as he smiled down at me. I smile back and look forward. I can barely see them from far, but I can tell Ben sees them since he's walking in a certain direction. Probably because he's so tall. "Okay so next corner we're turning. On my go." Ben whispered to everybody on our team. We were approaching the corner and Ben said,"Go." We all turned and met a wall. Everybody pulled down their hoodie and I pulled down my bandanna. "Guess we're climbing." I said with a shrug. I immediately ran to the wall and jump up. I grabbed a brick that was about to fall and quickly grabbed onto another. "Well I see this is not the only time you've done this." Alex said crossing his arms. I climb to the top and look down at them. "Hurry up. We do t got all night!" I whispered-screamed at them. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a dark voice. "Hey! What are you doing here?!" I looked to my right to see an archer aiming an arrow at me. I pulled up my bandanna and ran towards him. "HOPE?!" I could hear Ben yell. The archer let go of the arrow. I felt like I slowed down time! The arrow was going in slow motion. I pulled out my bow and shot an arrow at his chest. He froze. I guess I was feeling cold and my arrow turned to ice. I searched him and got a couple of arrows. "STOP!" I heard another man yell from behind. I slowly turn around to see another archer, aiming at me. 'Oh fuck me'. I pulled out a blade behind my back. "Lower your weapon!" He said. I shook my head. "I can't do that." I respond. After I did he shot the arrow at my foot. It missed by a few inches. This man was smarter. I began running. The last thing I saw was Ben climbing up the wall. I was dodging so many other archers. The man was still chasing me and he had good agility. I reached a wall and had to turn around and faced him. "Give up now!" He yelled aiming the arrow at me and began to pant. I just stared at him. 'What do I do?'  He was stepping towards me. 'I have to stab him when he's close.' I thought. I slowly and secretly began to pull out my dagger. "Don't move!" The archer said. He walked really close that I could feel his breath on me. I was waiting for the moment to stab him. I was completely shocked when he started to rub my cheek. "What a shame that a beautiful girl like you has to go to the dungeon and wait execution." He said. This man disgusts me. He then started leaning in for a freaking kiss! I couldn't help him doing this. So I kneed him in the stomach and he quickly fell over. He began to mumble somethings but I couldn't understand him. I took his arrows and ran back to the wall. When I got there my team was fighting off some archers. Nancy was being attacked by this guys with a sword. She must have lost her weapon because she was trying to block with her arms. I snuck behind the man and pulled out my dagger. In a second I cut his throat. Nancy thanked me. "No problem. We're here to protect each other." I said with a smile and put my hand on her shoulder. "Ah! Get off me!" Yelled Maddy. I turned around and saw a man on her who scratched her arm. It was bleeding intensely. I looked over and saw Travis run over and stabbed him in the stomach. "Maddy?!" Travis said holding her arm. "I-I'm fine. J-just that it h-hurts a lot." She said stuttering from the pain. He nodded and kissed her. I couldn't help but smiling at them. I try to find Ben and see him slit someone's throat. I guess he must have not noticed me because he ran over to me and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around him. "I thought I lost you. Why did you run off?" He asked. I shrugged. "I couldn't let you guys get hurt." I said pushing the bangs out of my eyes. He hugged me tighter. "Don't do that again." Ben said. I nod. "Okay so time to go guys!" Dante says pointing towards the castle. "Here let me help you." Travis says to Maddy as he picks her up bridal style. "I can still walk." Maddy responds through giggles. We all start walking towards the castle walls. Once we got there, Travis put Maddy down. "Okay I'm gonna go in first. Stay behind me." I whispered to them. I adjusted a blade to make sure that if someone was over the wall, I would kill them. I was about to climb when Ben grabbed my wrist. "Be careful Hope." He said. I kissed him and then turned back to the wall. I climbed it in like 5 seconds. I jumped off and looked around. No one was there. "It's clear." I said back to them. I looked around more carefully. I was on top of a building. My guess was a store. I began walking when I remembered the ear piece. I clicked the button that David told me to press when we wanted to communicate with everyone else. I heard some static and then a voice. It was Kemberly. "Kemberly? We're in." I said. "Okay so now try to get into the King's library. When your there, Ben should know what to grab and then you guys come back as quick as possible." Kemberly said. I nodded even though she couldn't see. I clicked the button again and I couldn't hear her anymore. I looked back to everybody else. They were climbing the wall. I went over to Ben and told him what Kemberly told me. "Yeah I know what to grab." Was all Ben said. While he was helping everybody else down the wall. I was scoping out the area when a hand grabbed my shoulder. It was Ben. "We're in." He said.

Thank you all so much for reading! My new cover was made by my friend Emily. Yes she is a real person and is in the story. I love my new cover and again Emily thank you so much! :)
Hugs for everyone who reads!

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