International Women's Day

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Its International Women's day everyone! Mwahh

(n.) woman (woe•min);
Any human being classified with feminine physical characteristics, a heart made of passion, and motivation who is equally even twice as likely to just a great job as a man can. ✊❤

To all of the beautiful classy young ladies who carry themselves with poise and presentation, Momma Monroe salutes you.

And even to those who tend to act out of line confronting others in public hitting and talking horribly about each other, I wish you a happy day as well but I must say this, you clearly don't match up to that definition of a woman so work on that.

I'm just feeling inspirational today cx I want every young lady out there to know, she matters just as much as the next young man and the next young lady. And we will continue exercising that until we are nothing but what we truly deserve to be treated as;


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