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Sammy's P. O. V
Angie is really short, but I don't mind. I love my girls short because those are goals right there haha. But it's fun when Angie is short because i could make fun of her (not in mean way). I've been a fan of Angie for awhile now and now that I have this chance to date her. I better not fuck this up because if I do, i'll regret it so much. "Hey babe!" Someone said in an annoying voice. Angie and I turned around and saw Britney. "What the hell do you want Britney?" Angie said annoyed. "I want Sammy!" She said as she bites her lip while looking at me. I looked at Angela. She looked mad.. Uh-oh... She let go of my hand and walked up into Britney's face and said, "listen here, Sammy is mine alright? He wants NOTHING to do with you. He likes me, not 'the slut of school.' Okay? So honey get that through that small brain of yours. Sammy will NEVER go out with you ok? So you could go back to Jason and leave us alone." Brit stood there shocked and slapped Angela across the face. Angie put a hand on her cheek and tears started to fill her eyes. I ran over to her. I kneeled down and whispered, "you okay?" She shook her head and cried softly. I got mad, I stood up and said, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHAT DID ANGELA EVER DO TO YOU BRITNEY?" Britney stood there and said, "she stoled you away from me, and I AlWAYS get what I want. So two better watch your backs," and walked away. I looked at Angie and she looked scared. Hell so was I. What are we going to do?

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