So Mysterious

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter may be a little on the boring side. I hope you enjoy it none-the-less. Please vote and review. Both are so amazing, loved, and appreciated!


Yugi sat in the tall black stool; swinging his legs mindlessly back and forth as he stared at the chemistry book in front of him. A sigh escaped the petite youth as the teacher drawled on about the expectations for the class and how the class would be formatted. The classroom was held in a laboratory with long black desks. Each desk contained two lab stations complete with electrical outlets and small sinks. Each station sat two students. Tristen sat in the stool closest to the wall and Joey sat between Tristen and Yugi.

Each pair of eyes within the classroom glanced away from the teacher; landing on the door when it swung open revealing the leather clad tri-colored youth. The tan figure handed a piece of paper to the teacher as his crimson eyes glanced around the classroom.

"Class we have a new student joining us this year," the teacher brought her brown wired glasses down from her brunet hair to her brown eyes, "This is Yami Sennen. Do you want to say anything about yourself?" Yami shook his head remaining silent. "Okay, let me see where can we put you?" The brown eyes scanned the class, "ah there, next to Yugi." She pointed at the black stool next to the petite youth. Yami nodded making his way over to Yugi. Once seated, he turned to face the teacher.

"Hello," Yugi whispered to the tanned youth. Crimson met amethyst for the second time that day. "M..My name is Yugi." Yugi held his small pale hand out to the leather clad figure.

Yami accepted his hand in a firm grip, "I am Yami." Yugi melted when he heard the silky baritone voice of the other.

"Where are you from?" Yugi asked scooting his stool a little closer to Yami's.

"Egypt," Yami responded.

"Wow that is really neat! I have two other friends who are from Egypt. Welcome to Domino High," Yugi smiled warmly at him. Yami nodded his thanks before turning his attention back to the teacher. He opened his notebook; jotting down a few notes as the teacher spoke. Amethyst orbs drifted to the side eyeing Yami throughout the entire chemistry lesson. The bell rang announcing the end of this class period. The students would have five minutes to get to their next class. The leather clad figure slid off of the tall black stool and began walking away.

"What is your next class, Yami?" Yugi asked as he gathered his chemistry textbook and notebook.

A tan hand disappeared into his pocket; returning soon with a piece of paper, "I have Algebra II."

"I do too! That is my next class as well. I can show you where to go," Yugi smiled up at his look-a-like.

Yami nodded his appreciation, "Thank you."

When Algebra ended, Yugi showed Yami where wood shop was before heading off to his own class which was drama. Yugi was awfully shy and Anzu mentioned that taking the drama class would help him come out of his shell. He took it for the first time during his sophomore year. He was hesitatnt at first but found he enjoyed every minute he spent in that class and decided to take it again during his junior year. The teacher smiled brightly at him as he walked into the room.

"I'm sorry I am late, Ms. Davidson. There is a new student that just started school here today and I was showing him where his classroom was," Yugi bowed slightly to her before going to sit down. Ms. Davidson had large green eyes and curly light brown hair.

"Yugi, what kind of example are you trying to set my freshman?" She smiled at him.

Yugi giggled, "I'm sorry."

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