Physical Changes

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A/N: Thank you all again for your support! You are all wonderful! I hope you like this chappie.


"Such a great rehearsal everyone!" Ms. Davidson hollered to the cast; her eyes alight with excitement.

A stage hand ran over to Yugi and Yami with two water bottles. They gladly accepted the water and both chugged the cool liquid like they had never tasted such delicious water before. Yami finished his water bottle in a matter of seconds. He lowered the empty bottle gasping for breath.

Yugi giggled, "Someone was thirsty." Yami nodded. "Are you still thirsty?" Another nod. "Here you can have the rest of mine." Yugi held his water bottle up to Yami.

"Are you sure? You need to hydrate too," the deep baritone voice filled with uncertainty.

"I'm sure. Go ahead and take it," Yugi smiled holding the water bottle up even higher to the crimson eyed Egyptian. Yami graciously accepted the water, tilted the half full bottle of water upside down, and consumed the rest of Yugi's water.

"Yugi? Yami?" Ms. Davidson hollered. The tri-colored twins turned to face the drama teacher. "I want you two to rest your voices tonight and Sunday. Drink some hot herbal tea."

"Yes ma'am," Yugi smiled at her while picking up his bag.

"Really not a bad rehearsal for a Saturday." Yami smiled at Yugi.

"Not at all," Yugi agreed. The two headed towards the side of the building. The exit closest to the school's theater. It led out to a large sidewalk that went alongside the ocean and out to the parking lot. Yami held the door open for Yugi who paused before walking through.

"What's wrong?" Yami asked watching Yugi stare off into space thinking.

"I forgot my World History and Literature books in my locker. I'll be right back," Yugi smiled at Yami before turning and jogging away.

"Do you want me to wait here for you?" Yami hollered down the hallway.

The amethyst eyed youth turned momentarily, "No it's okay. I'll meet you out at your motorcycle." Yami nodded; allowing the door to close on it's own and taking his leave. Yugi jogged the rest of the way to his locker a smile on his face. He was thrilled that he was costarring in The Phantom of the Opera with Yami and the rehearsals were all going so well. Ms. Davidson sure knew how to pick a great cast and crew. Everyone was doing their part and more.

"Well well well, so we meet again."

A chill went down Yugi's spine, that voice.../Ra not here./ He swallowed hard. He turned around to face a hooded figure. "What are you doing here? What do you want from me?" Yugi asked attempting to portray more confidence than what he had.

"If I tell you that now, I would ruin the surprise." The hooded figure sneered before swinging at Yugi. The petite youth dodged out of the way; the figure punched the locker instead. Yugi dropped his World History book as he tripped. The figure turned to him; his tall form towering over Yugi. He swung his leg back and kicked Yugi's stomach multiple times. Yugi gasped for air as he tried to stand. The bully kicked at his face sending the petite form flying backwards into the lockers. Stars once again danced behind his eyelids.

"Come here and let me cut you up a bit," the hooded figure growled producing a large knife from the pocket of his hoodie.

Yugi struggled to his feet; holding his stomach; he forced his aching body into a sprint. His short legs running as fast as he could manage down the hallways towards the side door, /Must get to Yami./

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