Zac walked into the living room to see Christopher as usual staring at the tv. He was barely paying any attention to it, but he had Mrs. Doubtfire on. Junia and Shepherd were laughing at Robin Williams making his funny voices.
HIm and Kate continued to raise him as Ashley tried to get her life back together. In order for them to willingly give full custody back to her, they wanted to see that she could make a life for herself. Right now they didn't see that she could raise him at all while she didn't have a job and seemed unwilling to do so at the moment. They understood she just was trying to support her kids emotionally, but it wasn't enough for them.
" Christopher, would you like to help me with dinner? I thought we would make homemade pizza's today." He asked him.
Christopher didn't bother to look up at him, and he didn't answer. He just continued to stare at the tv.
Trying not to grow impaitent with him, he sat next to him and turned the tv off. Junia and Shepherd grew upset. " You guys go play in another room or something. I need to talk to Christopher. Please."
" Okay dad." Shepherd took Junia's hand in his, and they walked out of the room together.
Christopher got up to leave the room himself, but Zac stopped him. " You need to sit down and listen to me. Your not walking out of this room until I've had my say."
With a nod, Christopher sat back down on the couch. " Fine."
" Christopher, I get your having a rough time right now. I really do. You found a new friend in Amanda, and now she's gone. But she did what she felt she needed to do. She saved your life and didn't care what happened to herself." He said. " It's not your fault. None of it is. It was her choice."
" She shouldn't be dead though! She should be with... with her family." He cried, finally looking up at Zac. " It's not fair!"
" I agree. It's really not. But what's done is done. We can't go back and change it." Zac looked at him sadly. " I wish we could. I know you liked her. And I'm sure we would have too. I wish more than anything that I could have gotten a chance to thank her for saving you."
Christopher sobbed, thinking back to that day. He didn't say anything. He wiped his tears away, which flowed down his face.
" What you went through was traumatic. I know it was. I feel terrible that you had to deal with a dad like him, that he shot your new friend. I hate it. I see how it affects you and it makes me sad."
Kate stood at the top of the stairs, listening to their conversation. She smiled a little, seeing Zac trying to comfort Christopher. It was heartwarming to see how much he cared for him considering what had happened with Monroe.
" Please just... try to see the bright side of this. Your alive. At least he didn't kill you, or get away with kidnapping you. He's in jail and can no longer hurt anyone." Zac said, giving him a little hug. " It really will be okay. I promise."
" I want my mom. Can she come over for dinner?" Christopher asked.
Zac nodded. " I'll give her a call. Just think about what I've said though. Please." He got up and went back into the kitchen.
Kate followed shortly behind him. She went into the kitchen herself, and saw tears in Zac's eyes. She gave him a big hug and kissed him. " He'll be okay. We just need to give him a little more time."
" I hope your right. This is too much to see him so upset." Zac said, holding onto her tightly. He kissed her back. " He's not the same boy at all."
She smiled. " That's a good thing. That attitude of his needed to change." She kissed him again. " I know what you mean though. He is totally different."