Alpha Possessive Chapter 2

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Alpha Possessive chapter 2

(Pic of Tyson)


Who in the hell does this guy think he is? Thinking men overpower women, god he's pathetic. I glared at him.

“Excuse me?! That is so NOT true! Just because we are mates doesn’t mean you can over power me!” I snapped at him, ugh he was getting on my nerves, and that isn’t a good thing. How can HE be the fated Alpha of my pack and my mate? This has to be some joke.

“Sorry to break it to you babe, but it's been that way forever.” He retorted, smirking at me. 

I was about to slap him, right there, right now, before Natalie got in between us.

“HEY HOLD UP!” She shouted. We glared at each other whilst Natalie spoke.

“Let me get this straight…YOU GUYS ARE MATES?” She squealed.I rolled my eyes and nodded, Tyson nodded too, confirming it.

“Oh my god! Finally. The two most controlling people around are finally tamed. And now i feel like cupid!” She sung.

My phone vibrated as i was about to say something. I picked it up.

“Hello? Avangeline speaking.” I pulled my full name reluctantly.

“Are you serious?” Laughed Xavier, my brother. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“What’s up? Yes, i am alive. No, i am not in the mood." I scowled.

"Why? We're heading to Natalie's house now, to see if you're actually there." He said, then hung up. I rolled my eyes. God, that family trust. 

I stared at Tyson, glaring at him.

"Oh you just wait, Alpha boy, my brothers will tear you." I hissed, half lying. 

And right on cue, Tyler, John and Xavier bolted to my side.

"That we will, I'm assuming you’re the new Alpha in our territory" Hissed John.

I grinned at Tyson.

"Oh my god..." Veronica whispered dazed when she heard John's voice, normally i would have puked or slap her but her eyes looked so dreamy and loving, it was as if she was his…

"Mate." John gasped.

All eyes turned to him. I grinned wickedly, finally he found his mate after 18 years. YES, I’m now slut-free.


"And those are the rules to be in our territory" I smirked at Tyson.

"Um...Alpha Redwood...Do we go to school here? Or are we going to be home-schooled with the maids again?" Whispered Cindy.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Did you NOT listen to a word i said!" I groaned.

She flinched; Xavier glared at me and wrapped his arms around Cindy protectively.

Yes my dear brothers mates are Natalie's cousins. What a coincidence hey? It was meant to be. Everything was perfect, except for Tyson. He was still acting like a little bitch.

"I-I-um…" She stammered.

"You are attending the high-school i am attending so i can keep an eye on you and my pack werewolves." I repeated with a scowl.

She nodded and ok and brushed her red hair back. Now time to get to the mating business.

I shooed everyone out of my room. Leaving only Tyson and I. Me laying down on my purple and white bed and Tyson sitting on my bedroom, white couch, legs on my study table.

"Feet off!" I instantly scowled at him. He winked at me and got his legs off.

"Anything for my oh-so-beloved-mate." He muttered dryly.

I squinted my eyes at him and put my hair in a ponytail sitting up and crossing my legs.

"Look, Alpha Redwo-" I started

"Tyson. Okay. It’s Tyson to you. You are my mate. You sound cute when you say my name" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, a little touched that he gave me permission to say his name without any authority. Well I guess all mates would have to call their mates by name – but still.

"Well, then Tyson, let’s get our mating business straight." I sighed.

“You are aware of the laws of mating?” I asked curiously. He rolled his eyes and nodded. I wasn’t convinced.

“To be sure-“ I started.

He cut me off. “Do you want me to show you or tell you.” He smirked, quite seductively.

I blushed and looked down, staring at my intertwined fingers.

What am I doing? An alpha does not…blush! He lifted my chin up and then did the unexpected.

He crashed his lips to mine and pushed me back, I gasped in shock and he took that chance to put his tongue in, I moaned softly as our tongues danced in synchronization together and his hand was in my hair and my face. My arms absent-mindedly went around his neck, and then realized what I was doing.

I pushed him back gasping then felt that my lips were numb and felt swollen. My hair felt messy and I groaned and fell back into my bed.

“You are one bad Alpha.” I scowled at Tyson and he just grinned.

“Oh I know darling.” He teased with a smirk, god, when he smirked his face just looked 10 times sexier.

“I still haven’t forgiven you for what you said this morning.” I added and glared at him, he thinks kissing me would make me forgive him? Ha. Doesn’t work that way.

His smirk vanished and was replaced with a pout. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"So...any hot girls in your school?"

That’s the moment when i slapped him and took back all my positive thoughts of him.


"Aww, come now Ava! I was joking!" Whined Tyson. Like a little baby.

I was giving him the silent treatment, if you haven't noticed. I gave him my first kiss and he goes on about if there were hot girls? UGH! Who does he think he is?!

The nerve he has to face me.

"Alpha Tyson Redwood...Luna Avangeline Silver." Gasped Lindsey, running towards us.

I frowned at her. Lindsey was one of my best friend and she never, like NEVER called me by my authorized name unless it was important.

"What’s wrong Linds?" I asked,

She hesitated.

"Rogues...they are attending our school!" She squeaked.

I growled but it was louder than usua- Oh Tyson growled with me.

"When does School start?" Snapped Tyson.

Lindsey flinched. I glared at Tyson accusingly. I did not appreciate the way he was speaking to my pack members. It was like he thought he was their Alpha already. Well he had to wait till we finished the mating process. 

"You, shut your mouth or i will shut if for you" I hissed at him.

He smirked,

"Why, i would like that, a lot." He teased.

I frowned, and went over what i said and blushed. 

"I-You...YOU’RE IMPOSSIBLE!" I scowled at him. 

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