We saw One Direction getting ready to leave. Some of them were shritless Shreya and I apologized and turned around to leave but then all I hear is " Come in". Shreya and I felt awkward, Shreya and I walked in slowly Liam said " There is nothing to be afraid of " Niall said " We don't bite" I asked " Where is the washroom ? We came in here by accident are you sure we should be here?" Harry said " Yep you can stay right here, wait where is Louis?" After five minutes of awkwardness Louis came " Hello lads. " Shreya and I are like "Hi" in a very shy voice. They ask us if we want there autographs, I screamed " Yes please "
"So what are your names?" Harry asked . "My name is Laura" I said and "My name is Shreya " Louis said he like my name and Shreya got jelous then Harry is like "You both have nice names and Louis is just being impolite,sorry about that . " Louis argued " So I can't chose my favorite name ? Is that a crime? " Harry just ignored . So we all left the room our class was standing there waiting for us . Shreya ran to our class I stood there with One Direction I said
" Before I leave can I have two more things " "What's that" Liam asked " A hug and your phone numbers and maybe your shirts?" I got a hug from them and there phone numbers my class was far from us so they never realized I was with One Direction. I never got all of their shirts I only got Louis