Chapter 1

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Everyday is the same. School, work, sleep. All in that order. Mixed with the everyday crime the police have to clean up. It's only a miracle whenever there isn't a crime. But that comes very rarely. Nothing is ever so nice here, in this Hell hole people can call home.
I was abandoned as a child. Left alone and forgotten on the front steps of the Gotham Orphanage. Technically speaking, I am an only child, but when one lives in an orphanage, everyone is related. I have about 10 sisters and 5 brothers, all from the ages of 5-17. Our "parents" are an actual married couple, but they only care about themselves and the money.
Life is pretty simple if you just do as you're told. Don't argue with mom and dad. Complete your list of chores. Take care of the younger children. If you get a job, 3/4 of your salary go to mom and dad. And, don't ever talk to them unless it's absolutely necessary.
One is considered lucky if they get out of this place. We all envy them, whether they leave with new parents or if they turn 18 and are kicked out. The only ones who ever get adopted though are anyone from 5-10. As far as we know, anyone who was 11 or older has stayed until they turned 18.
My name is Elysie. That's the name my parents gave me before they left. I am 15 and a sophomore at Gotham East High School. I find high school very easy and I get excellent grades. It was quite a surprise when Bruce Wayne was on the news saying that he'd pay the tuition for the top ranking boy and girl in each grade at Gotham East to go to Gotham Academy. The next day, I met with the principal and Bruce Wayne to see if I was interested in the offer. I couldn't pass up the chance at such an opportunity, so naturally, I accepted. This was the beginning of a life unknown to me, a life that would come out in the tiniest of secrets.
I stare up at the brick building in front of me, next to the other seven students from Gotham East. We stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone walking around the schoolyard is so neat and orderly, looking like the stuck-up rich people with large family businesses. The eight of us look poor beyond belief. From our crappy canvas book bags, to our awkward and slouched stances, we were the epitome of poor.
Two students walk our way with smiles on their faces. They don't seem to be repulsed by us...yet. The female has long red hair and blue eyes, while the male has black hair and blue eyes. They stop walking when they reach us, smiles never leaving their faces.
"Morning, everyone, and welcome to Gotham Academy!" the girl says. She introduces herself as Barbara Gordon and motions to the boy, introducing him as Richard Grayson. He had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen and his smile had a sort of childish aspect to it.
As Barbara talks about Gotham Academy, a few other students walk up behind the two, waiting for Barbara to finish her presentation. She then puts each of us with another student. Everyone is placed with someone from their own grade. These are our guides today, telling us where everything is and showing us where our classes are. My guide just happens to be Richard Grayson.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Richard, but my friends call me Dick." He holds out his hand and I shake it.
"Nice to meet you too. My name's Elysie, but you can call me Ellie."
"Cool! We should probably get you to your first class. Bell should be ringing here soon. Can I see your schedule?" I pull out my schedule and hand it to him. He looks it over before smiling. "We have all the same classes. This makes things a lot easier. Let's go set you up with your locker real fast."
I smile and say okay before walking with him inside the school. It is even more impressive inside, than outside. The halls have high ceilings with chandeliers. The tile is waxed and spotless. The walls are painted the most lavish color of red. This school is amazing!
We walk down quite a few halls before we reach my locker. I quickly put in the combination and throw whatever I don't need in. We rush to class and enter the door with barely a second to spare. Dick takes his seat and I walk up to the teacher to get my seat. She tells me to sit anywhere there is an available seat. I look at towards the class and see one in the far back. As I walk to my seat, I can feel the student's eyes burning into the back of my skull, like I'm some new animal exhibit at the zoo. Once I sit down, the teacher calls back everyone's attention and began class. The only one I don't catch staring at me is Dick.
By the end of the day I am loaded with homework. I try to walk home as quickly as my little legs will carry me, but I still only make it home within the hour. I barely have enough time to set my books and bag down before I have to go help with dinner. Finally, I am able start my homework after I eat, help entertain the young ones, and get them to bed. By midnight, I have finished all the homework due tomorrow and I get ready for bed, so tired that I fall asleep once my head hits the pillow.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I slam my hand down over my alarm. I take a quick glance at the time. I groan as my eyes meet the sight of the red numbers showing the ungodly hour of 4 am. I drag myself out of bed and get ready for school, praying that I don't have as much homework today.
As soon as I walk through the front gate, Dick greets me with a wide smile and a "Hello, how are you?" exiting his lips. I groan and roll my eyes. How could he be so cheery every morning? Did he drink five cups of coffee before arriving?
"Morning, Dick," I manage to say before yawning, walking slowly past him. "I'm tired. Last night sucked. How can you be so awake?"
"I guess I'm just used to it," he replies, shrugging his shoulders. I sigh and continue walking towards the building to make a quick stop at my locker before class.
The day goes by not even remotely fast enough, and the evening ends exactly the same as yesterday. The whole week goes by like this. Then two, three weeks. A month. The weekends are uneventful, as I usually spend them cooped up in my room all day, working on homework. Everything repeats like a record stuck on a loop. The loop lasts for a solid three months. But then something stops the loop, or in fact, a someone.
I gather up my belongings, notebook, pencil, backpack, book, and head towards my locker. It's finally Break and I'm thrilled to not be overloaded with homework for once. Doesn't mean I don't still have responsibilities back at home though. Now the young ones will want to play all the time, going to the park, getting ice cream, seeing friends. There will never be a time where I am not busy.
I close my locker and let out a slight shriek at the sight of Dick leaning against the locker to the right of mine. He has his signature childish smile plastered on his face, and I know something is up. Over the past couple of months, he and Barbara have been trying to get me to go out on the weekends and hang out with them, but there was never enough time. I can't imagine that the crazy idea that has planted itself in his head is another ploy to get me out of the house.
"Yes, Dick?" I question, already knowing the general idea of what he is going to ask me.
"Since we're on break now," he starts, "and there is no homework, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out with me and a few of my friends. We were planing to go to the beach tomorrow, if you wanted to come."
"I'd have to check with my siblings. Don't want to leave them stuck caring for the young ones. I'll get back to you on it." I lower my head and leave him there. I already know I won't be able to go. I just didn't want to put down the idea so quickly and hurt his feelings, but I might be hurting him more by not just telling him that I can't go. I'll ask my siblings anyway, but I already know the answer.
Once I enter the house, I am bombarded with children screaming and laughing, running up and down the hall, and tackling each other along with tackling me. I groan in pain as I push them off of me.
"Hey, where are Dominic and Veronica?" I ask Lucy, one of the 9 year olds.
"They are up in their rooms," she says, pointing towards the ceiling before running off to play again.
I walk up the stairs and throw my book bag in my room before doing to see Dominic first. I find him lying in bed with his laptop on his chest as he watches YouTube.
Dominic is the oldest of all of us. He's 17 and turns 18 in a few months. He's got black hair with blonde tips, brown eyes, and piercings in his ears, eyebrow, and lips. He's pretty skinny, but has a bit of muscle built up on his biceps from lifting weights during gym class.
"Hey, Dominic? Can I ask you a question?" I say, standing in the doorframe, my hands behind my back, because I can't stop moving them.
"You just did." I roll my eyes and step into the room.
"Ha ha, very funny," I sarcastically retort back. "I'm serious. I need to ask you something." He pauses his video and turns his full attention to me. "Can I go out with some friends tomorrow? They're going to the beach and they invited me."
He thinks for a moment before yelling for Veronica to come here. She walks out of her room and down the hall towards us.
Veronica is the second oldest. She will be turning 18 in less than a year. She has straight brown hair and green eyes. She enters Dominic's room and crosses her arms giving us the "What do you want?" face. Dominic speaks up before I can.
"Ellie wants to go to the beach tomorrow with some friends."
Veronica looks over at me. "You've actually made friends at that stuck-up school for bratty rich kids? How'd you manage that? You can barely talk to us. And why would anyone want to be friends with y--"
"Just answer the question!" I yell at her.
"Oh, sticking up for yourself now. I see." She turns back to look at Dominic before saying, "Whatever. As long as she gets the chores done." She walks out of the room and back into her own. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Guess you can go. Have fun." He waves his hand to signal me to leave and turns back on his video. Once in my own room, I pull out my phone and text Dick.
E: I can come to the beach tomorrow. What time?
D: Can I pick you up at 11?
E: Yeah. Do you want me to bring something for lunch or anything?
D: My friends and I will bring everything. You just need a swim suit and an extra change of clothes.
E: Are you sure?
D: Yep. Don't worry about it. I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow.

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