Chapter 6

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while don't kill me

Hermione pov
Snape just walked into class " shut up and today we are making a love potion so you will be in a group of three list is up here follow the method on page 167 you have two hours" he said and went to his desk and did work
Group 1 : pansy, goyle, potter
Group 2: Weasley , granger ,Draco
I stopped looking at the list after my name malfoy and Ron this will be fun
I look at the lust filled boy ran over to me after the read the list
"Hello boys" I purr
"He-llo He-mione " they said I love messing with them
" ok so let start " I said and they both started the potion I'm too tired so I let them do
When they finish " thanks guys " I said and hugged both of them a little hard haha I felt both of them harden a it and both boys quickly ran to their chairs
After potion was lunch this time I sat next to Ron while he was eating I put my hand on his thigh
He just start choking on his food " Ron Ron are you okay" Ginny asked worrying just just nods I love this affect on him

I start moving. MY hand up further up his leg " hey guys I'm gonna go to class " I said and left

Draco pov
The when she dressing I can't control myself I swear I could smell Weasley on her at potion
It just so annoying which her hanging on him I mean I like her look maybe getting her to be my mate would be harder tan I thought I have only 2 year 5 month to get her to mate with me she was with Weasley for two year and he didn't even have sex with her maybe she understand

" hey mate have you seen granger new look" asked blasie how could I not " yeah " I never knew she had great legs and large breast she look way better than last year " he says " dude shut up you know she is my mate or I punch you" I growled at him" well Draco mate you need to tell or she be taken again the what you die " he say " I know I know I tell her by the end of the week"

Hermiom pov
I need to find someone to date me
I look around and see a cute hufflepuff guy I think his name is James so I walk up to him
" hey are you James" I ask and he nods " well I'm hermione and your cute " I say " I know your name and thank I know we just met but please would you be my girlfriend " he say my plan is almost complete " sure I will you are smart and cute and nice all perfect" I say and kiss him "come James we have charms let go " I say and smirk
"Ok let-" he say but is stop when I pull him into the closet broom room where I put my lips on his and with him instantly kissing back I run my hands up and down his stomach where heis quite tune
After we finished both of our lips look like someone have use a vacuum on my lips I see that Ron is jealous

I'm soo sorry it short I have I have 7 classes both 8 assignment and two test due so soon so yeah my new character is entering not chapter so please keep reading

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