Questions 1-50

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                                                             Questions 1-50

1. In the Philosopher's or Sorcerer's Stone, what is the name of the three-headed dog guarding the trapdoor?

2. Who asks Hermione to the Yule Ball in the Goblet of Fire?

3. What is Minister for Magic Fudge's full name?

4. What kind of car do Ron and Harry fly into the Whomping Willow?

5. How old is Scabbers in Ron, Harry and Hermione's third year?

6. Why did Sirius Black go to Azkaban?

7. What creature is Buckbeak?

8. How does Rita Skeeter eavesdrop on people after she is banned from the Hogwarts grounds?

9. What is the name of the spider that Hagrid befriends?

10. Who are the four origonal Marauders?

11. How do the first years get to the castle on their first day?

12. What creature was in a tank in the corner of Remus Lupin's office when Harry visited him in his year of teaching DADA?

13. What form does Harry's Patronus take?

14. Where do Fred and George Weasley get the money for their joke shop?

15. How does Harry get rid of Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets?

16. How did Moaning Myrtle die?

17. Which schools competed in the Triwizard Tournament?

18. Who were the Hogwarts champions?

19. What does Hermione use to get to all of her lessons in the Prisoner of Azkaban?

20. Who uses Polyjuice potion to disguise themself as Alastor Moody in the Goblet of Fire?

21. In the fourth book/film, who does Hagrid take a liking to?

22. What creature haunts the Chamber of Secrets?

23. Why was Hagrid expelled?

24. Who is the DADA teacher in the second year?

25. Who's body does Lord Voldemort use in the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone?

26. What does Petunia Dursley's Howler say?

27. How does Harry get to the Leakey Cauldron in his third year?

28. On what date does the first term of the year start at Hogwarts?

29. In what town do the Dursleys live?

30. Who is on Harry's first Chocolate Frog card?

31. How does Ron's first wand break?

32. Where does Arthur Weasley work?

33. What does Tonks ask not to be called?

34. What is the umbrella stand in 12 Grimauld Place made from?

35. Sirius was placed in Gryffindor, but what house was the rest of the Black family in?

36. What platform does the Hogwarts Express leave from?

37. Which Quidditch team does Ron support?

38. What happens to Leprechaun gold after a few hours?

39. How much did Harry's wand cost?

40. Why can only Harry and Luna see Threstrals?

41. What is sweet shop in Hogsmeade called?

42. Which floor is off limits in the Philosopher's/Sorcerers stone?

43. When Harry catches his first Snitch, he uses not his hand, but what?

44. What does Sirius give to Ron to make up for Scabbers?

45. What does the Boggart turn into for Neville Longbottom?

46. Who teaches Charms?

47. What spell does Ron use to stop the troll from killing Harry?

48. What does Fawkes do to help Harry in the Chamber of Secrets?

49. What is Hermione's cat called?

50. Who do Ron and Harry take to the Yule Ball?

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