Chapter 3

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It's been 1 month since I've been at school and I'm trying to hide my secrets from Luke but he's going to find out soon I know it so I might as well tell him about her but I need proof.

"Dan" I yelled
"Yes Isabelle" Dan says coming into the office
"I need you to get some proof that Luke's Rhiannon father please I'm going to tell him.......soon"
"Um ok I'll see what I can do" Dan walking out of the office

1 hour later

"Boss I've got the information you wanted" Dan handed me some paper
"Thanks, ok can you get the rest of the gang and tell them to be in the living room in 5 minutes" I said looking at the papers
"Sure" Dan said walking out of the office

5 minutes has past
"Ok so you all know about Luke and trying to find out about me so I'm thinking about we just tell him but mostly about Rhiannon" I say to the gang
"But wouldn't it be risky how about if he tells anyone" Mike says ( he's in the gang as well he's best friend with Dan)
"Then he tells people are going to find out, ok we will go to the warehouse tonight around 7 or so and I'll tell him to come and he will probably bring his friend so don't shot Rhiannon's going to be there and be there at 6:45pm no later" I say walking off
I get my phone out and ring Luke's number ( I = Isabelle.  L= Luke)

L: hello
I: it's me Isabelle
L: um hey so why did you call
I: do you know where the warehouse is past the old train
L: um yeah but no one goes there anymore
I: um people do got there and can you meet us there at 7 please
L: um sure and what do you mean by us
I: thanks for coming and be there by 7 and you can bring someone if you want and you'll see what I mean by us when you get here bye.

7 o'clock at the warehouse

"Boss he's here" Dan tells me
I walk out and see Luke
"What are they doing here's do why did he call you boss" Luke asked me
"They are here with me and I'm there boss" I say looking at Luke and his friends
"So your a leader of what" one of Luke's friends asked
"Gang leader if you must know" smiling
"WHAT" they all shout
"Don't shout people are in here you know" I said
"So how long" Luke asked me
"3 years I'm in the Gang because they are helping me keep someone a secret so she doesn't get taken away... Again"
"What do you mean you keeping someone a secret and getting taken again" Luke asked
I turn around and look at the gang
"He has a right to know" dan said
"I know but what if something happens to her like last time"
"Nothing will happen we are here you and Rhiannon" Mike said
"Who's Rhiannon If I might ask" Luke asked
"Mummy"Rhiannon shouts
"What's wrong sweetie" look at her again
"Bill beat me again" she said looking at me
"It's ok you will beat him soon" smiling
"Who Are they" Rhiannon said
"Um people that made me move away" I said looking at Luke
"Are they the mean People that took me or are they like dad" Rhiannon ask
"Your dad didn't know you are here so I moved away so he couldn't find out and you wouldn't get taken again ok sweetie"
"Ok can I go to them" Rhiannon asked I nodded my head
"What's your name" Rhiannon
"I'm Luke what's your" Luke asked
"I'm Rhiannon and you have the same name as my dad but I've never seen him and he doesn't know I'm here"
"Ok so what's going on here and who is she" one of Luke's friend asked
"Keep up please and that's my daughter" I said to them both
"She's your what" Luke yelled
"She's my daughter" I say slow for them
"And who's her father and how old is she" Luke asked
"She's 3 years old and her fathers is....." I said but couldn't get the rest out
"So she's 3 and that's how long you where away for and that's around when..."
"What a Minute is that that I think it is is she my ....." Luke didn't want to finish I think so I finished it for him.
"Daughter than yes it is what your thinking" I said looking at them all.
"Fuck this can't be real" Luke said looking at me
"Well it is that's why I moved away because I know you wouldn't want to take care of her with me so I left and I found them aged here" I said handing him her birth sheet
"You gave her my last name but why" Luke asked
"Because I wanted her to have it and I know you would like it that way was well so I gave her you last name not mine.
Thank you for giving her my last name"Luke said

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