Chapter 3: Amanda

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I rub my eyes and look over to see Seth leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. I gently squeeze his hand to let him know I was awake, but he didn't stir.

"Seth?" I sit up and tap his shoulder. He leans forward and rubs his eyes.

"Yeah?" he yawns and stretches. "What'd I miss?"

I look down, "Nothing."

Seth lays down and sighs, "Want to go to your bed or stay here."

I blush. I had forgotten we had fallen asleep on his bed. "I-I'm comfy wear I am."

He rolls over to face me, "So am I." I hear the door creaks open and hear a giggle.

Sarah smiles, "Well, lovebirds, dinners ready and the others are here."

Seth gets up and and puts on a clean shirt, I had almost forgot he didn't have one on. I stand up and brush off my skirt.

"Go down without me. I need to change." Seth looks at me mysteriously.

"Why are you changing you look fine?"

I gesture to the skirt. "There's no way in hell I'm wearing a skirt." I pull down the skirt hearing Seth inhale then laugh.

"Are those boxers?" I look down at my spandex shorts which happened to be green and black, and look like underwear.

I shrug, "If you want to call them that go ahead." I grab some sweat pants and pull them on then roll them up a little so I wouldn't trip.

I tie my hair up in a pony tail and smile, "Let's go eat."

Seth follows me downstairs and to the table. I look at the three new people and freeze.

I knew them.

I take Seth's hand and whisper, "If anyone needs me I'll be in our room. Bring me some food later." I turn and run back up the stairs and into my room.

I rummage through one of my boxes and find a note book. I flip pages until I find one coated with flowers.

In fancy calligraphy writing, Hailey and Chloe's names were written along with mine. I look at the page and internally groan.

"Of all people why are they here." I hear the door open and see Sarah.

"Is everything okay?" She looks over my shoulder and sees the book. "I see.. Want me to ask if they can go to another house?"

I shake my head, "It would make everything worse."

Sarah nods and snaps her fingers, "I have an idea." She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a lighter. "Tobias and I could smoke out their rooms. It will only take a few minutes."

"Sarah, your not getting high right now."

Sarah's eyes shine with mischief, "Who said we would be smoking it?"

Almost thirty minutes late Sarah and Tobias come out of the bedrooms and high five.

"It's done."

Seth comes up stairs with two plates of food, "What's done?"

I gratefully take one of the plates, I was starving. Only thing I ate today was a few Cheez-its.

Sarah explained our plans to smoke out the rooms while I went to my room to eat.

Seth shyly says, "I didn't know what you liked and didn't so I got something of everything for you."

I smile, "I'm not a picky eater. I'll probably eat everything except for the peas. That's the one thing I can't stand besides brussel sprouts. I hate those too."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2016 ⏰

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