Daark: Enigma Rising

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In the world that has yet to be seen we dare to wake the Promethean fire and for this

We shall burn


In unity we search for an end to death and what we find is the


In our search we make our selves more than mortal, and yet we still have our primal instincts our hunger that drives us to destroy what is civil and dear to us. Because of this, the only bell that tolls for humankind is the one rang by those who vie for

Peaceful Chaos

~Siswei Camsing Suvenvong~

Ch: 1 Event Requiem

August 1, Sanctuary City

Mon 4:45 am

Fire, Death, blood everywhere,

This is what is met by his feet as he walks across the stone steps leading up to the temple. The horror and shock of seeing the limp, mutilated bodies of his friends makes his young mind bend to the point of shattering. His steps echo in the cold air as the raindrops chill his ebony skin. The smoke burns his neon teal eyes and singes his sinuses as the iron taste of blood clings, grasping to his lungs and leaves his mouth stagnant and dry. He coughs as he reaches the very top. A huge cloud of black vapor blocks his sight. The cloud begins to part and his fear is confirmed. Lying still, in pools of red, his parents remain prone as another figure stands, teeth shining sanguine with murder and malice, laughter as deep as the bowels of hell.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Daark awakes in a cold sweat. He wipes his hands over his face and pauses. Exhaling, he stares at the cold dingy surroundings of his motel room. His mind reels. The nightmares have pervaded him since that day, the blood and mutilation stark in his mind. Who killed his parents? Who slaughtered his friends and why?

He puts that aside for right now. He knows his duty. He waits for the call. Daark walks over to the water stained mirror. His blurry eyes shine teal as he washes his obsidian face and heads over to the bed and meditates. Every time he breathes his exhale seems to slow time. A fly buzzes around the room. Each wing beat becomes a moment, an hour, an age.

Suddenly, he hears his Intelligent Communications device (I-com) vibrate on the dusty plain white night stand. Daark opens his eyes calmly and picks up the vibrating earpiece. He speaks in a direct tone his voice whispering with night shade.

"The watch tower in the west whispers"

the voice on the other end is tinny, distorted and electric " And the eagle listens"

" Proceed"

"We have an issue on foreign soil and recently there was a nuclear sonic explosion in the vicinity of a chemical lab. We have reason to believe that the South Africans have or had technology that we did not know of. Liberate all resources. Leave no witnesses. " The line dies.

Daark understands why they choose him. He can offer them something others can't.

Superhuman, it reminds him of the old internet comics he use to happily watch in the surveillance tower as his parents taught other student's in the temple below. He blinks away his emotions and walks over to the window and inhales once more. The rain pelts against the city outside. Like Tall Mirrors against a gray sky the mighty towers of the city stand like adamant swords, the masses walking far below move like busy ants unaware of what is happening behind closed doors and shady places. deals cut, people dying all in the name of freedom, and the ones who should be punished run free holding the strings to their various puppets. The rain continues to fall as Daark proceeds with his meditation. His focus drawn so far in that sounds no longer seem to have meaning. With his eyes closed he can almost touch the mind of each individual below him, tasting their emotion and understanding their conflicts even in their ignorance. Daark breathes in. His eyes close, the world melts away, peeled of all it's plastic. A rain drop falls, then a sharp snap and he vanishes into the nothingness, leaving an empty window to reflect the crying sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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