Chapter 2 Ross

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Ross' POV

Hey! I'm Ross Lynch.

I love music, love sports, love girls....there's so many things I love.

School starts next week, meaning summer break is almost over. How sad.

At the same time, I also can't wait to to go back to school.

Meet some new pretty girls.

All the newbies are always pretty....they always are.

Stormie: Ross! Olly's here to talk to you!

My mom yells from down stairs.

That's strange. Olly and I aren't really that close.

I go downstairs to find Olly sitting in the couch.

Ross: Sup, Marano.

Olly: hey Ross.

Ross: hey.

I say as I sit on the other couch.

Ross: so....? What do you wanna talk about?

I ask, and he just sighs.

Olly: school is starting soon...and I know you have feelings for my sister.

Ross: what? Maia?!

Olly: no. My other sister.

Ross: Vanessa?!

Olly: my other sister.

Ross: Abi?!

Olly: no, my-

Ross: Chloe!?

Olly: no!...she's freaking 5 years old!

I laugh.

Ross: I'm just messing with you. And no, I dont like Laura. I mean, she's pretty, but snobby rich girls are just not my type.

Olly: Laura is not snobby.

Ross: yeah, well she's not my type. She's really hot, but she's definitely not my type.
Yes, we are friends- not close friends, but we're not enemies-

Olly: okay, okay. Maybe you don't.

Ross: what, does she like me?


Ross: really?!

I smile widely.

Olly: no.

Olly laughs.

Olly: but you do.

Ross: I do not like Laura.


Laura's POV

I honestly can't wait to go to school.

I was given so much homework for the holiday, and I was doing them all right now.

Last minute.

Abi: Laura!!!

Abi calls as she barges into my bedroom.

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