Chapter 10 - Missing in action

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" Optimus, the information we received by way of Soundwave-" He shot Arcee a dirty look- " has revealed that there is three deposits, each containing a high form of concentrated energon." He said, only an hour later. Optimus and Arcee had decided to wait up, to determine if the information was worth acting upon immediately. Jack had wanted to as well, but after ten minutes he had fallen asleep on the couch. Arcee wished he had been awake, having someone to bridge the silence, uneasy at it's best, which would have lifted her mood. Yet she couldn't bring herself to shake Jack out of his peaceful slumber, and it made her wish she had chosen to recharge instead.

"I don't need to tell you what that could mean in the wrong servos." Ratchet finished, as he drew a map of the globe, displaying three symbols.

" Well, time's on our side. Soundwave said-"

" And now your just going to trust what Soundwave says now? It's bad enough your trusting information from him, and haven't even begun to reveal how you two came into contact with each other-" Ratchet said unbelievably, but Arcee interrupted his rant.

" He said Megatron wouldn't know till morning, which is a few hours away. Best to grab them and run while it's quiet." Arcee said with iron. Optimus nodded, dismissing the tension in the atmosphere.

" That may be our best option, but Ratchet is correct, this could still be a trap."

" Well, dividing resources would make it easier to obtain the energon. But if it is a trap, I think it could be devastating." Ratchet said sceptically.

Optimus sighed.

"A risk we will have to take. Arcee, wake Bumblebee and Bulkhead. They shall go to two of the sites, and I to the third."

" What about me? I can give back up-"

" I am sorry Arcee, but you will remain at base with Ratchet." Both her and Ratchet looked at each other.

" Optimus, she is more experienced than Bumblebee, surely it would be best to send her instead."

Optimus looked to Arcee, and she understood why he had said so. If she wanted to keep it a secret still, from anyone else, she was going to have miss this one out.

" No. Optimus is right. 'Bee can handle it." She said, confidently to Ratchet, and she left to wake the others.

The two had complained bitterly about being awoken, and so Arcee told them both the 'cons where Attacking the base. A cruel joke, but she had to laugh, she had not seen them move so fast.

When she reached the control room, Bulkhead and bumblebee turned to her.

" 'Cons attacking the base, huh?" Bulkhead pouted.

" Only way to get you two off your afts." Arcee commented light-heartedly, and Bulkhead returned with a sort of look that seemed very much like bemusement. Optimus briefed them both Bulkhead an Bumblebee, and then Ratchet charged up the ground bridge. Bumblebee was the first to leave, followed by Bulkhead and Optimus. When it closed, Arcee felt left out. It was the first time in a long time since she had been withheld from going on a mission. Ratchet had already turned to the monitor, with three different screens patched thought to each of the three Autobots. Already tension hung in the air around them. Jack found it had to bear, having woke up at the sound of the rest of team arriving in the control room.

"Cover Bumblebee, I'll cover Bulkhead and Optimus." Ratchet said, not looking at her. Arcee nodded, turning to the screen where Bumblebee's life signal was displayed. His whirs and beeps met hear audio processors.

" Well, I'm here. Where too?" He beeped.

" About a click north of your position. Keep an eye for any Decepticons, and be careful." Arcee responded, praying the information Soundwave had given her was correct, and her own judgement was as well.

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