Chapter 13- Hesitant

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Ratchet worked away on further modifying the computers' systems. Stupid backward human technology.. He thought as an error message appeared on screen. As if another one was needed. But Arcee's error was much worse. He sighed as he managed to fix the computer bug with ease, but only wished he do something to help Arcee. He may have appeared insensitive, but it was not without good reason. Of all the mechs she could have fallen for, it was Soundwave. Not only that, but she had been played for a fool, bringing the rest of the team into danger. Primus, please guide her back. He sighed, wishing for nothing more than for things to return to what they were. Everyone was worried about her, none more so than Jack, who, like everyone else gone to her quarters to console her, were rejected.

She brought this upon herself...upon us all...

"Is everything alright, old friend?" Optimus' voice disrupted his thought processors. He turned to the Autobot leader, and nodded.

" As good as it can be, I suppose." He said as he returned to the monitor. " It seems the systems still have a few bugs left- a gift left behind by the previous humans who inhabited this base-"

" It seems it is something else that is troubling you." Optimus said thoughtfully. Ratchet shook his head, sighing.

" ...I just can't get my processors around Arcee's recent ...choices...Or how she could even have feelings for one Megatron's most loyal followers." Ratchet said, looking questionably at Optimus. Optimus thought for a moment before replying.

" Arcee's recent choices may be questionable, but she does not seem to believe she is wrong."

" Does the fact that she appears to be in love with a decepticon not seem wrong?"

" Love makes no discrimination's between factions." Optimus said strongly, again remembering the stories of those who had become spark mates despite what they fought for.

" But Soundwave clearly used her- and she is still blind to this illusion he has her under." Ratchet said scornfully, wanting nothing more but to punish Soundwave for such an exploitation. If only he was present...

" Illusion or not, I believe she speaks her words with conviction- if so, then it is a sad tragedy that we can do nothing about, and it is up to her to come to terms with it."

Suddenly, the monitor lit up. Ratchet turned and inputted a few commands, and he looked on darkly.

" Speak of the mech." He said turning to Optimus. Optimus regarded the news sternly.

" What does he want?"

Ratchet turned to read the message Soundwave had sent.

" 'I ask for sanctuary. In return, I will give you all the information you need. ' Is all it reads. Why would he ask for sanctuary?" Ratchet asked looking to The large mech behind him for answers. For once, he found it hard to find one. If Soundwave was seeking sanctuary, then he had run into trouble with Megatron, which was highly unlikely, considering he was one of Megatron's most loyal. But the information he held would turn the tide of the war, in their favour.

"I shall endeavor to find out."

" No, Soundwave already played Arcee for a fool, I won't let him play you either." Ratchet replied more vehemently than he meant to. Optimus regarded him calmly.

" Regardless, old friend, If Soundwave indeed needs Sanctuary, and has the information he promises, we must allow it to him."

Ratchet shook his head, knowing Optimus was right, in one sense.

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