Chapter 2- Niall

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IP Chapter 2-Niall

When I saw her, I couldn't help but do what I did, I could tell she was a shy girl and I shouldn't push her too far, but I did it anyways because I'm stupid.

And after that, I didn't even get her number!

I wonder if she knows who I am, because if she does, she is taking it pretty well.

Well, I know one thing for sure: I will find her again, I won't just let her leave my life, just like that, I won't go down without a fight.

I had gone to the beach by myself and now am back at Louis', Liam's and my flat.

We are only here in Brighton for a couple more days, then going back to London again, but before I go back, I must find her again and get her number.

But how will I find her?

"What are ya thinking about?" Louis' voice interrupts my thoughts and I shake my head before saying, "I just met this girl at the beach, trying to figure out a way to... Well find her again." It sounds so weird out loud...

"And you didn't get her phone number?" He exclaims and I shake my head shamefully.

"Stupid, stupid Niall." He tuts, smacking my head at every word and I can't help but chuckle.

"Sir, this is very serious busness, it is not the time to be laughing." He says in a stern voice, smacking my head once again, and by now, I'm going red with laughter.

"Just look at the little things, they could give you huge clues, mate." He says seriously this time and I look at him, confused.

"For example... What she was doing when you saw her, or how she left." He explains and I nod slowly.

"Well, she was reading, and she just walked away, she probably lived near the beach..." I think out loud and he nods his head.

"There you have it!" He exclaims, "she may visit a library nearby alot, if you know any, ask the owner if they know her- wait, you do know her name right?"

"Yes, it's Amelie, but I don't think she knows mine..."

"Oh my god, stupid, stupid Niall!" He says once again, face palming himself, "but atleast you know hers, I don't really expect much from you anyway..." He says in a fake disgust voice and I chuckle, but it soon fades away and I start to get worried.

"What if the lady doesn't tell me anything about her? What if I find the wrong girl? What if I find her and she doesn't give me her number-"

"Woah woah woah where the fuck did all that come from? Calm down because one: being famous has it's perks, only you, young grasshopper, do not know how to use your powers wisely yet. Bribe her with concert tickets, and if that doesn't work, money. Two: If you find the wrong girl, you slam the door in her face and run away like the little coward you are. And three: She is not gonna turn you down after all that your gonna do to find her. If you like her, then I wouldn't think she's that stupid." He reasons and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, "you're right I guess... Thanks." I finally say and he smiles a genuine smile.

"Hey, what are friends for? Yes, to make you piss your pants of laughter, but also to always be there to help you. Now go get her." He says encouragingly and I chuckle lightly before standing up.

There's no time to waste!

I type in "Library's in Brighton" into google and about thirty different library's show up, but only two near that beach. I decide to try both of them, hoping that I choose the right one first, but probably it was going to be the opposite.

Chapter 2- NiallWhere stories live. Discover now