Chap.4: Janitors Closet

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Jades pov

I just couldn't take it anymore! All of this pretending to hate Tori stuff, it's gone too far and even she's noticed that it's gotten worse. I even made her cry and what she doesn't know, well one of the things that she doesn't know is that it crushed me when I saw her like that. So much that my so called 'friends' at the table were eyeing me weirdly expecially Beck. No one knows that.... Oh my fucking god I'm going to say it..... I'm in love with Tori Vega! Holy shit that was hard and I only said it in my mind. My feelings just keep growing and I can't help it, why couldn't I just like Beck who IS my boyfriend or anyone else besides Tori! Also no matter how hard I try to get her to hate me she just comes running back and I don't understand why!

So when I ran out of the class room like a lunatic I went to the janitors closet, I went inside closed the door and slid down the wall crying.

Tori's pov

I knew when Jade was in one of her rough moods she usually goes to the janitors closet. So on instinct I went there, the door was closed and I heard some shuffling in there, silently I hoped it was Jade in there and not a janitor. I turned the door handle slowly then opened it, I saw Jade on the floor up against the wall head between her legs. I stepped inside and closed the door which must've startled her because she jumped.
"Sorry i-its Tori" I stutter  scared out of my mind of what she will do to me.
Jade looks up with tears  streaming down her face "Vega get out" she says
"No I'm not leaving until you tell me why you've been such a bitch to me today, you're not acting like yourself" I say a little loud. I sit down next to her waiting for her to reply.
"Why do you keep coming back when I'm such an ass to you! I don't understand it!"Jade answers.
"I see good in you Jade, no matter how rude you are to me I see deeper inside, and I hope that one day you will realise that you can talk to me about things" I say and Jade looks at me.
"Why do you think you can hear about my shitty life when no one else knows?" She asks me.
"I don't expect you to tell me a lot, it's just that when you're upset you come to me for some weird reason and you want comfort from me. When you can easily go to Cat but then when we're in public you go back to hating me" I reply.
"This is what I don't get Vega you're supposed to fucking hate me just like I'm supposed to fucking hate hate you!" Jade screams getting up and I follow.
"Why are we supposed to hate each other that doesn't make sense!" I scream back completely confused as to what she's trying to say.
"I don't know we just are okay? Just shut the fuck up with the questions already!" Jades voice rising.
"No this time I'm not going to shut the fuck up until you tell me why we can't even be friends! I've  been trying for 2 long fucking years and  yet I'm still a square one!" I say much angrier than before as to why a curse flew out of my mouth.
"I don't like you Vega! I hate you, end of story so stop trying!" She responds. I step back as if the words really just did punch me in the gut because that acctually really stung. I stop pitying myself quickly and retort back
"Doesn't seem like it when you come crying to me after your breakups with Beck!"
"Well I do and don't expect me to let you in on my life just because of that lame excuse. Nice try Vega but try harder next time" Jade says smirking a little and rolling her eyes for what seems like the thousandth time.
"Why not? You let Cat in and she's a blabber mouth!" I scream iritantly.
"It's different with her!" Jade screams.
"How?" I say softer.
"I don't have to tell you that, I'm leaving now" Jade says turning towards the door but I stop her and spin her around to face me.
"Oh no no no you're not leaving until you tell me why it's different with Cat than with me!" I'm so angry by this point that Jades eyes widen in what looks like panic.
"Because She's not the one I'm in love with!" Jade blurted out.
"What? I know you're in love with B-" I get cut off by Jade
"I'm not not in love with him!"
"Wait what?" I ask confused and shocked.
"For fucks sake I'm in love with you!" She screamed. She realised what she had just said and covered her mouth cursing under her breath thinking that I couldn't hear. I was in complete shock and I wanted to say something but I couldn't. She stood there too for a minute until she finally just ran out of the closet with tears streaming down her face once again.
"Jade wait!" I called out for her while running out of there doors of the school but I was too slow, she was already in her car flying away. If only she heard what I just said to myself, the five words I thought I would never in a million years say together
"I like you too Jade."

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for 35 views, I really hope you like it!!! I know this is a bit of s cliff hanger (okay maybe more than a bit😂) but I have a couple more chapters written. I just have to edit them which won't take long, so they might be up today or tomorrow.
Anyways so if you guys have any ideas of what I should do I'm all ears! Just comment your ideas and I'll see what I can do!

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