Chap.5: The Helpful/Not So Helpful Phone Call

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A/N So as promised i have another part uploaded! Its pretty short sorry about that but, I'm getting to the really good stuff soon. Just wait it'll be here quicker than you know. Also thank you for 61 reads it means a lot to me!!! ill update again tomorrow but bye for now!
-Steph 💜

Jade's pov

I'm such a fucking idiot! I just confessed my feelings to Tori about Tori! I mean why would I do that? Oh I know why, because like I said before I'm a fucking idiot! I just couldn't take her asking anymore and I did t even mean to say it, but it's out so I can't do anything about it now.

That night I was laying on my bed just staring up at the ceiling. I had stopped crying awhile ago because my tears had dried out so now I just sat there.  I kept getting calls and texts from my friends wonder where I was, but I ignored everyone. I needed to talk to someone and the only person that came to mind was Cat. She is well was the only person that knew about my feelings for Tori  until Tori herself found out which is how I got in this mess. So I picked up my phone and dialled Cats number

"Hey Jadey!" She said all perky.

"You know what I said about calling me that" I say grumbling.

"Sorry, you left school early are you sick?" She asks

"No but I need advice" I tell her.

"On what?" She asked me. I tell her everything that happened today.

"Yay! You finally told her!" She screams so loud that I have to take the phone away from my ear.

"Cat! Did you only catch that out of everything I said?" I'm starting to regret calling her.

"Maybe..."she says softly.

"Cat!" I scream.

"Ok ok I remember now, so why do you need anything from me? you told her you like her already" Cat responds making a point. Sometimes she could have some common sense in her.

"Yeah well I think she hates me now because when i told her, she just stared at me with her mouth wide open" I answer her.

"Jade, Tori could never hate you. If she keeps coming back after all this time then why wouldn't she come back now?" Cat asks. That question shocks me once again, Cats smarts bubbled up to the surface.

"I don't know Cat, how do I fix this? I don't want to loose her!" I start crying again.

"Wow you really have it bad" Cat says. I don't answer so she keeps going " well you need to give her some space, the news shocked her, I mean it would shock anyone who goT told that their so called enemy has a crush on them."

"So your saying don't talk to her at all?" I ask a little disheartened by Cats response.

"You have to let her come to you first, so you don't bombard her." Cat answers.

"Ok I'll try, thanks Cat for everything" I say smiling even though I'm still really upset.

"You're welcome,  oh so today my brother-" I cut her off

"Bye Cat" I say hanging up. I'm not in the mood for a story about her brother right now. All I was thinking about is how much I was dreading going to school tomorrow.

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