Chapter 29: Can we?

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Ryland: Glad that's over

Riker: Like it's really over.

Rocky: Ya. Anything can happen.

Rydel: I just want to relax and not worry about anything today.

Ross: Can we?

Sarah: I'm not. I don't ever want to go to sleep for the next year.

Ryland: It'll be okay.

Riker: But seriously. Can we really relax? I mean think about it. Every time we thought we where okay something happened.

Rocky: You're right. Maybe we should have shifts. Like so we always have people on the lookout.

Ross: Good idea. I'll go with Rocky.

Riker: Rydel you're with me.

Ryland: Yup. And me and Sarah will stay with Faith.

Riker: Great. It's settled. We can relax. In shifts. Lol

(Everyone laughs)

#sorrynotsorry it's short

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