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A year later
Jimin and Yoongi sat in Yoongi's room, cuddling next to each other.



"When was the last time you had a night mare?" Jimin asked the older.

"A year ago thanks to you. Ever since I stopped that habit." Yoongi smiled causing Jimin to smile.


The two boys were a happy couple with no problems at all. And it would stick like that forever and ever.

~3 years later~
"Appa! Eomma!" A little boy ran up to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Hey, little one." Jimin patted his head.

"I'm trying to sleep." Yoongi rolled over in the bed.

"Appa, did you have a nightmare?" The boy asked.

Yoongi sat up and smiled, "Of course not."

Jimin smiled at his newlywed and at his new adopted son. He couldn't ask for a better family.

He loved his family very much. It went the same with Yoongi.

Sorry it's so short but I felt bad for not finishing it~

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