First thing first

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Kurt is a half human/half cat hybrid meaning that he has a tail, ears, purr, cat noises and that's it.

Burt, Carole, Finn and the New Directions, Blaine and The Warblers all know about him.

Bitchy Rachel here. Don't like, don't read.

Kurt and Blaine are childhood friends and have been dating since middle school.

Yes, Kurt will be the other Sadie Hawkins victim. Don't hurt me.

The Kurofsky kiss never happened but something worse gets put in its place.

Close brotherly Furt.

Puckurt friendship.

Burt and Carole are married and Blaine is very close to both since Burt is Kurt's dad and Carole treated Kurt and Blaine while they were in the hospital.

The Warblers are very protective with each other so expect a few confrontations.

Niff are a couple and Jeff is also a half human/half cat hybrid like Kurt.

I recently fell for Wevid as a couple so David is a German Shepard hybrid but just the tail and ears.

That's all for right now. Happy reading and don't be afraid to leave comments and likes. Thanks!

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