The spirit of the wolf

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My mother always told me the spirit of the wolf was the howl. The whole purpose was the howl. I snuggled close to her, admiring her howl and her gorgeous pelt.
"Mama, how do you get a howl?"
"It comes within a wolf." She said quietly.
"Go to sleep now, you have a big day ahead of you. You are going to be named by Papa wolf tomorrow."
"Yay!" I squealed happily.
I closed my eyes, happily thinking of what my name is. I then fell asleep.
I woke up, startled. No one was at the den. All my brothers and sisters were gone. I gagged when I saw blood traces.
I sniffed the tracks, pleading and praying it won't be my family.
Oh please, don't let it be my family.
There was, mama wolf eyes squished on the ground, intestines oozing and spilling onto the wet earth below us.
I felt a pang of animosity flow through my bones.
Whoever did this, no matter if they covered their tracks or not. I will find them, and kill them.
I sniffed out a trail and was taken by the tail. Voices mumbled.
I'm just a small wolf pup now, and I will never be as strong. They would be the ones to kill me.
"This is the last one."
"Kill her!"

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