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I chose and Australian Shepard dog because I have one but you can just imagine what kind of dog you want.

"Jaxx stop chewing on the pillows!" I hear Cameron yell.
I walk into the living room in Cams apartment to see stuffing everywhere. I sighed and went to get the vacuum cleaner.
When I walk into the kitchen Jaxx follows behind me and sits down right in front of me.
"Jaxx I love you but your making a huge mess." I say and continue walking.
"Y/N come here for a second!" Cameron yells and I stop what I'm doing and go to see him.
When I walk in he has the stuffing stuck to his face.
"I'm Santa Claus." He exclaims.
"Is this all you brought me in here to see?" I ask while laughing.
"No I need to tell you something." He says and sits down on the stuffing covered couch.
"Okay?" I say unsure. "But I can't take you seriously with that stuff on your face." I said and he chuckled.
"Well too bad cause I'm not taking it off." He said. "Also, I think Jaxx is just chewing on everything because he's bored and has no one to play with."
"Can we get a puppy?" I ask excitedly.
"Well yeah. I love dogs." He said and stood up. "Let's go down to the shelter and pick one out."
"Okay!" I say and get ready.
We walk to the car with Jaxx on a leash.
"Cameron take the stuffing off your face." I say and he grins.
"Haters make me stronger." He said. I give up on trying to get him to take it off.
We arrive at the shelter and when we first walk in he takes me to pin in the very back. In the pin is about 10 puppy's.
"Which one do you want babe?" He asks and puts his arm around me.
"All of them." I say and he laughs.
"Well I don't think we can do that today." He said and chuckled.
"I like that one." I say and point at a dog.
It had brown and white fur and one of its eyes was blue and the other was brown. The dog walks up to the front of the pin and starts barking at Cameron.
"I think that's a sign for us to get him." I say and bend to pet the dog.
He is the softest thing ever!
We ask the people who own the shelter if we could let it out of the pin and they say yes.
As soon as the dog gets let out of the pin it runs straight to Cameron.
"Hey buddy." Cameron says picking up the dog.
"Jaxx will love him!" I say and Cameron nods.
We take the dog home and name him.
(You can just name him whatever you want)
"You know since we got a dog now, we need a baby later right?" Cameron says as he feeds the dogs.
"Whatever Cam." I said.

I'm back. I'll be updating frequently now. Sorry I haven't updated in a month I have a lot of stuff going on bc school sucks all the life out of me.

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