Life After Death

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    Today was the day I move back to Pearl City. My family had moved to Vancouver two years ago, saying that they wanted to get away from the island. Personally, I absolutely loved living in Pearl City. I had a paying job, loyal friends, and was doing well in school not to mention the topography is absolutely immaculate. So now that I am seventeen, and on my last year of high school, my parents are allowing me to move back to Pearl City to live with my hippie aunt. I am ecstatic.

I looked back from the airport terminal to my family standing before me. My parents were oddly sorrowful with their goodbyes, whereas my sister had a look of questioning on her face. I reassured them that I wasn't leaving forever, they just sobbed deeper. Heading off into the airplane I felt a tad glum because I will miss my family, but mostly excited for what this year has in store for me.

The plane ride felt never ending, although the flight was only nine hours long. Once we had conquered the cloud line leaving Vancouver my stomach started turning with excitement. Sleeping was barely an option for me, barely able to get more than half an hour of sleep. The hours were consumed by practicing my photography out the tiny plane window, blaring music through my ears, and watching some of my favourite comedy movies. Sitting in a seat for hours is quite difficult for me because of my high energy, thank god the lady sitting next to me barely even noticed me.

We landed at around six pm. Mentally I had landed two days ago. Running out of the terminal I trotted over to the baggage claim, and wheeled my suitcase out to the pickup area. Scanning for a short white hippie with a fresh face, I came across my aunt Rein standing at the back of the crowd. When she saw me her face lit up as she motioned for a hug. Hugging her felt like a warm welcome back to Pearl City. I'm officially home I whispered.

    Driving with the roof open and the fall breeze blowing through my frizz enrobed brown hair, with  Pink Floyd blaring through the speakers of Reins' 1990's BMW convertible. Cruising down the beachside roads breathing the salty air. Oh how I missed this place.

    Aunt Reins' house is a beachside bungalow, with the most colourful mailbox at the end of her driveway. That is how I remember her house, just look for the fancy mailbox. The inside of her house has a beach vibe with wood accents complementing the white walls. Even though Rein is a hardcore hippie, she keeps her house fairly modern and clean. There is the odd decorations from one of her many travels, but I admire her interior design. I'm glad I get the opportunity to stay here for as long as I feel.

    The room Rein assigns to me is alike the rest of the house, simple yet homey. With a window directed towards the ocean and a bed directly under it. Unpacking my suitcase, I come across an old photo of my family, in a frame on the bed side table. They are on a rocky beach , but I'm not there. Odd, I must've been with friends or something. Suddenly looking at that squishy bed looks more appealing then unpacking.

    Waking up in Pearl City is always enjoyable. Sunshine flowing through every window in the house lead by a warm ocean breeze. Even though today is the first day back to school, I am still excited. I have never been the biggest fan of school, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do. That's what Rein always told me. Time seems have stood still without my friends, Zoe, Ocea, Tommy and Kit.

    Zoe, Ocea and I have been friends since we could conjugate sounds. We've had our ups and downs, but what relationship doesn't. Zoe is your average blonde, with a perfect body and sunkissed hair. Although she isn't nearly as dumb as they come. Ocea is more quiet and introverted, but she still can have a good time. Kit was originally  welcomed into the friend group in middle school, but he did have baggage. Tommy. We learned to love Tommy, the meathead jock he is. Kit is on the football team too, but he seems to be more intelligent than the average jock. Moving away from them was one hard challenge I had to take. Thank god that challenge is over.

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