It's Just Business

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Tsukasa entered the club easily with her Spitfire Demon in tow, making sure to keep a close eye on her as they wandered deeper under the black lights. Music hummed and thumped loudly under the blonde's feet, echoing up into the hollow of her chest. The Fallen didn't normally find herself at crowded places like this, in fact with their line of work she tried to assure they both avoided it, unfortunately they were there on business.

She felt Sia slink closer behind her, wrapping her seemingly delicate arms around her waist, "Care to dance?" the words flickered hotly against the blonde's earlobe, and it must have been a rhetorical question, because they were already walking to the dance floor. Sia's body fit perfectly against her own, and for a split moment the Fallen thought about ditching the hit and just taking the night off. Tsukasa felt a ripple of heat rise up her front, and she knew it was on purpose, but the mood was gone as quickly as it came, "I see him." Maybe that was a lie, Tsukasa shivered as the Demon's hand slipped into her jacket and ghosted up her side to her gun holster, "What's our poison?" code for 'dead or alive?'

Tsukasa smiled, "Nothing too lethal," her wife's steady gaze never left the spot above her shoulder as they danced. "Will we be getting loaded?" code for 'is the gun loaded?'

The Fallen's smile never faded, "Fully," her voice was a tad huskier than usual, she'd blame it on not talking much.

"Will we be waking the parents?" code for 'is the gun silenced?' Tsukasa had to wonder where she got these codes from, "Always."

She felt the dark-haired woman's hand grip her gun slowly, if anyone else had been watching they'd have surely thought the Demon was just feeling her up. This idea tickled her, and maybe Sia too, as her Spitfire was smirking playfully, "Like your love for me?" code for nothing, Tsukasa blushed.

Sia seemed to be waiting for the right moment, and that moment came soon. As if reading the others mind, they broke from their dance to thread into the sea of people. A familiar 'click' sang into Tsukasa's ears, barely audible over the club's music as the blonde's hand reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. Her fingers sent out a text message as quickly as her Demon counterpart swooped in to get their man.

Sia's frame was smaller than their hit's, "There you are love, I've been looking everywhere for you. Have you been drinking again?" but she didn't have any trouble slinking the man's arm over her shoulders to keep them standing. She earned a dirty look from the woman he was dancing with, it was brushed off icily, surprising, for a fire demon.

Tsukasa was already out the back door, waiting patiently for her wife with the man that had hired them. Her phone was put away, and she soon felt her gun return to her holster once Sia followed through, dropping an unconscious body at their feet. Sia smiled smugly, her heels tapping lightly on the alley floor as she stepped over the body, "Told you so," her tone had a bit of a sultry chime to it, if only she knew the effect it had on the Fallen watching her. As always, the mood was lost again when the man that hired them stated she had gotten the wrong hit.

The Fallen was about to reach for her gun, but it seemed her partner had other ideas. Sia's hourglass form bent at the waist as she lazily reached down and pulled a small photo from one of her knee-high, black leather boots. Wordlessly, she held the picture out in front of her, Sia didn't need to look twice to know she had gotten the right target, but at least she had the decency to get a second opinion. The man didn't seem to appreciate this, because he continued to claim it was the wrong guy, and the wrong guy meant no pay. Of course, this didn't make the duo happy, and the photo at Sia's fingertips was proof of that, being as it was now ashes cluttering the alley floor.

Tsukasa smiled at this, she seemed to be smiling a lot lately, and for good reason. Tsuki loved her wife, she loved a lot of things about her, she especially loved it when she lost her temper. Maybe they'd take the rest of the night off, after all, with their line of work, they needed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2011 ⏰

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