USS Wolffrost 2025
"Admiral Brigs do you copy?"
"Green do not land you will be overrun!"
"Sir I have to pick up as many survivors as I can"
"Green, godspeed. Good luck"
Captain Green had turned the AC130 around and pile drived back to the ship. The ship had come into view through a massive pillar of smoke that was shooting out of the ship's starboard side like a cannon. Captain Green had steadied out the plane and pull back the throttle. The planes colasall landing gear had touched down on the smooth concrete of the ships runway. The scene there had been horrible. there was gunfire, blood people eating people, survivors running toward my plane waving their hands. SEAL Team SIx was aboard this ship and I had to rescue them. The team had piled in the back of the cargo bay and was blowing holes in anyone's head who tried to get on. Meanwhile the plane had not fully stopped so Capt. Green could immedeatley take off. The spinning rottars of the plane was chopping any bloody corpses that got to close. The plane had hurled down the runway and was off in the sky. Green had circled around the ship and dropped a 50 pound bomb which tore the top of the ship apart and revealed the undead below decks. SEAL Team Six had heard about Z-Com a month before the outbreak which was in Wales. The men had decided to head there for any chance of survival.
Thank you very much for any reads... If you follow mw i will follow back. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This story really doesnt go by chapters it goes by mission files. Thankyou anyways.