Operation Blood Spill

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Z-Com Headquarters, 2026

Captain Green and SEAL Team Six had found the Z-Com headquarters a couple of months later. They were assigned to Bravo Team or rescue team. They had recieved a distress call from London International Airport. They reported over 50 survivors trapped there. This would require two Ac130s to bring them back safely. London is one of the biggest cities ever which means alot of Zeke will be there.  The two teams wont come to a complete stop to keep the engines running.

'' Captain, the runways are full of Zeke. We have to drop a few shells to thin them out.''

"Alright drop the 20mm''

"Bombs away"

It seemed like years before the shock wave of the blast could be heard and a hole seen in the middle of the crowd. Green and his team would not be landing because they would offer fire support from the air. Minutes latter the other rescue plane swooped down to the runway. Captain green had initiated autopilot and manned the computer systems for the guns on the side of the plane. Infared vision was switched on and a laser designated missle  fire toward the ground in front of plane 2. This was meant to clear the way just as the other plane touched down. This was executed flawlessly the survivors were seen running toward the plane. Zeke can be seen slowly moving towards them. Green dropped another 20mm into the persuers making only a small dent. The undead swarmed them like flies and ate a few for dinner. The survivors boarded the moving plane speeding down the runway. Zeke after Zeke were chopped up as the C130 lifted into the air. The mission was a success only suffering minimal casualties.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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