I look at the body. That poor girl, she must have been terrified. Only, we couldn't find the cause her death. Her eyes looked like she had been in a lot of pain, but there was no blood, or evidence of breaking and entering. We had just started investigating a week ago, and it was already a cold case. Even the doctors who did the autopsy were confused. It seems as if she just dropped down and died. But she couldn't have. We have a recording of the 911 call she made just before she died. She said nothing, and when she dropped the phone we hear her scream and what sounds like a lullaby from Scotland.
I left my baby lying there, lying there, lying there
I left my baby lying there
To go and gather blaeberries.Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
Gorry o go, gorry o go;
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
I've lost my dearest baby-oI saw the little yellow fawn
But never saw my baby.I traced the otter on the lake
But could not trace my baby.Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
Gorry o go, gorry o go;
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
I never found my baby-o.Then her screams. Like earth shattering wails, and stop, and we hear footsteps go back down stairs. We assume she was under the bed when she died, because that's where she was when her mother found her and we didn't her her body drop. She was perfectly untouched when the doctors did the autopsy, with no bruises or signs of struggling. The only thing that looked different was her eyes. Wide with fear. But something was odd. The longer we look at her body, the more we notice that her eyes are starting to get black spots, and one is already totally black. This could be a result of poison, but none we know of could have done this. And it's only the eyes that are black. Another thing. A nurse who was helping Doctor Page claims to see her eyes open and her mouth, and hear her whisper something. We are concerned that we may have a serial killer, because almost the same thing happened with her brother a few years back. Looking back at the records I notice something weird. Her brother and her died on the same date. 3/10/15 was the date that her brother died, and she died 3/10/16. Exactly a year later. In exactly the same spot and position. At first we assumed it could have been her parents, but they have exact memories of being out at the time and the store owner claims that the parents are telling the truth about there whereabouts of the mr. and mrs. Hahn at the time. So we ruled out the parents, and they have a custom built house in the middle of nowhere so there are not many suspects. The case is cold.

HorrorBased on events I shared with friends I gave me the idea for the story.