Chapter 4

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I wake up screaming and terrified from my restless sleep. I saw her. Daniella. The murdered girl. Rather heard her. I think it might of been me, who screamed. I don't know. I'm just confused. I look at my alarm clock and I'm filled with dread. "Great" I mumble, and the alarm clock read 5:45, time for me to go. I take a quick shower and jump in my uniform, feed me dog, ButterScotch, and run out the door. When I get in the car and turn on the radio, I hear it. The lullaby that played on the 911 call.

I left my baby lying there, lying there, lying there
I left my baby lying there
To go and gather blaeberries.

Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
Gorry o go, gorry o go;
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
I've lost my dearest baby-o

I saw the little yellow fawn
But never saw my baby.

I traced the otter on the lake
But could not trace my baby.

Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
Gorry o go, gorry o go;
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
I never found my baby-

Shivers takeover my body. This isn't the kind of song that plays on 103.5. I turn the radio off, but the song keeps playing. "What do you want?!" I scream. No answer. Obviously. "I'm going insane" I think. And ignore the sickening song, even though there is a lump in my throat and I want to stop the car and throw it over a bridge. But I know if I don't make it to work I'll never be able to figure this out. I'm still scared, but it's over now, and the normal radio is playing now. I hear a decent song that hasn't played 10 times in the past 30 minutes and turn it up. All seems to have calmed down. So far.

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