Your signs as KDramas.

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Hello everyone!!
I'm so happy that you all read my book,and i'm hoping You'll wil response and follow me. It'd be amazing if you follow me.

Aries 21 mar.-19 apr. Who are you.
Taurus 20 apr.-20 may. Beautiful secret
Gemini 21 may-21 jun. Moorim school
Cancer 22 jun. 23 jul. Sassy go go
Leo 24 jul.- 23 aug. One more happy ending
Virgo 24 aug.-22 sept. Please come back mister
Libra 23 sept.-22 oct. Descendants of the sun
Scorpio 23. Oct.- 22 nov. Madame Antoine
Sagittarius 23 nov.- 20 dec. Oh my Venus.
Capricorn 21 dec.-20 jan. Heirs
Aquarius 21 jan.-19 feb.
Pisces 20 feb.-20 mar. She was pretty.

I hope you liked it. And follow me!! I would Also like to hear a response from you!!!

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