Party Time! Part One

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Rebeca's P.O.V
"You gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty. You I try but I don't do so well
with apologizes." The song "Sorry" came on and all of us started dancing. "I love this song!" I yell. Baron looks at me and smiles. I look at him and I blush, I grab his hand. He leans in and then Peter gets in between us. "No kissing guys!" "Whatever Peter" Baron said and kissed me on the lips. I kiss him back, Peter gets Kat and kisses her too. "Love!" Stacey yells. I stop kissing Baron and look at Stacey laughing "Stacey you are random" I started laughing. Duke,Mimi,Jack,Sam, and Jake are getting food. Jake orders something for Stacey, by the way Jake and Stacey are together and so is Duke and Mimi, and Jack and Sam. We all have love in our lives.
"Stacey! Watch out!" Jake yells while throwing a hot dog. Stacey catches the hot dog and runs to Jake. Everyone goes to a table. I start eating a buger and everyone eats a hot dog. I like bugers than hot dogs.
Baron's P.O.V
As I was eating my hot dog I heard my favorite song! Fallen Angel from Three Days Grace! I got up and I went to the dance floor. Rebeca also went to the dance floor because she loves that song too. We both started singing. "How do I save a fallen angel in the dark?!" We both sang.

Hello guys!!! I hope you are going to enjoy this book. And there will be a part two! See you guys later bye!

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