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Peter's P.O.V
"Hey baby." I say to Kat
"We know we are crazy." Kat replied
"You guys are crazy too." Mimi added
"We don't care." Duke looked at Mimi
"I will tell you who is the craziest, it's Baron." Rebeca added
"I heard that. And of course I'm crazy, crazy about you." Baron said hugging Rebeca
"Hmm, is that so." Rebeca said
"Yes." Baron said and kissed her on her head
When the party ended, we all went to my house! And....we have to shift! This is going to be fun. We entered my house and I showed everyone their rooms. Since we haven't marked our mates.....we are going to do it tonight. ~{Guys this is a random chap}~ I got in my room with Kat. I took off my shirt and fell on the bed. Kat shifted into her wolf. She had dark grey fur. And white eyes. She is so beautiful. I shifted as well. I had black fur, with dark blue eyes. Kat's wolf took over. Her name was Samantha. Percy, my wolf took over too. Percy pinned Kat on the floor and found a spot to mark her. He let me do the marking. I bit into her skin, she groaned a little. Marking your mate is a good experience, for your mate. When I finished marking her, I licked where I marked her.
She went to the bathroom, and shifted back into human form. She walked out with a long t-shirt. She got on the bed and turned on the tv. I went into the bathroom and I just put on some pants. I crawled in the bed when I got out of the bathroom. I pulled Kat next to me, and with her finger she traced my abbs. This was the life.
Jake's P.O.V
I finished marking Stacey. I mind linked everyone if they finished too, they said yeah, and I was the last one. I shifted and so did Stacey. She got into some pj's and I just wore shorts. I went to go get something to eat, and so did the others. I grabbed all the oreos. Hehe, Stacey loves oreos. I walked into our room and Stacey's eyes lit up when she saw the oreos. She started eating them, I just ate pizza. We watched "The Hunger Games". Best movie ever. Why did people have to die?! And why did President Snow, have to be a nut job?!
The movie finished and Stacey was asleep. I mind linked everyone ~{the boys}~ And their mates were also asleep. What a day. I got up and went to the living room, I say Baron, Jack, Peter, and Duke watching "Kung Fu Panda 3". We all ate popcorn and had a blast. We all fell asleep, at 4 in the morning. We all heard our mates whining. We all ran to our rooms. I snuggled with Stacey and kissed on the cheek. She smiled and went back to sleep. Why does she have to be so cute?!
Jack's P.O.V
We all woke up at 1 in the afternoon. And....I was making out with Sam. But she pushed me off when I was about to pull off her pants...yeah she wasn't happy when I was about to do that. ~{idk why, but that just came into my head...i read to much books}~ We all went to the living room, and we made pancakes. Yummy. When we were finished eatting, we went to the mall. H and M here I come! We entered the mall, and I was running towards H and M. Rebeca was running too, she got in the store first and grabbed all of the new jackets. She loves jackets. I went and bought me a suit, just because. Oh yeah I forgot, me and Rebeca are brother and sister! ~{idk why but I just felt Maki get me and Jack brother and sister....}~ Omg, my sis just bought 20 jackets....and where did she get all the money? Who knows. I bought my suit and Stacey was sitting waiting for us. Rebeca went to Rue 21 and bought a wallet. It said "Let's taco bout it". The most awesome wallet ever.
Rebeca's P.O.V
"Jack!!!" I yelled
"Yeah?" He asked
"Jackets...." She said, I laughed
"I got, a red one, blue, purpe, black, brown, white, pink, orange, and so many others!" I yelled happily
"Kewl." He replied and he hugged me
I walked to.......Hot Topic! Yay! I bought a Five Nights At Freddy's t-shirt. And Funko Figures. And so much more. I bought a Fairy Tail booking online. And it's coming today! I'm so happy! We all went to our favorite stores and we had a blast. I ate Subway. And everyone else ate pizza.

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