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Rebeca's P.O.V
"Let me go!"
"What did I do?!" I start to sob
He throws me into the cell. I'm on the floor sobing. What did I even do...I just turned 19 and I'm the mate of his son that is soon to be alpha. Ohh, that's the problem, I guess he doesn't want me....to be with his son....But I love him very much. I get up and I try screaming for help but one of the guards punch me, and I fell on the floor again.
Drake P.O.V (Baron's Dad)
I have to kill her! What if Baron already marked her....I don't think he did. I'll just ask him. I walked towards him.
"Son, did you mark Rebeca yet..?"
"That's why..."
"That's why what?"
"Oh, another male came to her."
So he didn't mark her yet, perfect. I have to kill her now. Baron runs towards the house, no! Dang it, he is following her sent!
Baron's P.O.V
I run while following her sent. I'm coming Rebeca! I find her in a cell. My father lied to me! I turn around seeing my dad. I grabbed his neck and I start choking him. He died a few seconds later.

Dangggg! Sorry guys it was a short chap. But I hope u liked it!

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