Chapter 4: First day

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I sighed to myself as I pulled my lower body out of bed. Yesterday was a struggle to say the least as I recalled the earlier events.

"Oh." I replied, glancing back frequently between Nick and Chris. I could most definitely see the resemblance now.

"Yeah, he'll be enrolled in your class starting tomorrow." Chris nodded, grabbing the young boy and swooping him up into his arms.

"How old are you, bud?" I asked, grinning wider as his smile stretched from ear to ear.

"Six." I replied, putting his fingers up in the air.

"Well, I'm excited to spend the rest of the cool year with you." I nodded, leaning back against my desk as Chris rocked him back and forth.

"We gotta leave now, remember little dude? Gotta pick out some winter clothing." Chris turned to Nick as he nodded reluctantly. He turned back to me and caught my eyes never leaving them as he nodded slowly. "I'll see you around?" He asked as he shifted Nick onto his other hip.

"Mhm." I nodded quietly, my face starting to heat up. He slowly walked out, a smirk playing on his lips before he disappeared down the hallway.

I groaned as the light burned my eyes from the open window. Day one hadn't even started yet and I was a wreck. I hopped in the shower and got ready quickly as I took note of the time. All I had time for last night was little things like sweeping up the floors and cleaning out the rooms. The house wasn't looking too devastating anymore but it for sure could use a paint job. I stared at the empty kitchen, sighing heavily at the absence of a coffee machine. That was going to need to change soon.

I grabbed the keys and headed out quickly, not trying to be late on the first day. As I arrived at the elementary, the parking lot was a lot vacant than last time. I entered through the office and went straight to the admin office to clock in. It was then that I spotted it. The beauty laying across the room, sprawled out on the table. I stared, not bringing myself to look away as I absently walked closer to the coffee machine.

I heard a chuckle from somewhere behind me as my fingers went out to stroke the plastic rim of the brewing system. I glanced over my shoulder to find Sarah bundled up in her coat and mittens as if she just got in.

"It's communal if you'd like some." She replied, tugging her scarf off her neck. I let out a small moan as the machine roared to life and began to drip brown liquid into the pitcher. Sarah released a full hearted laugh as I patiently waited by the coffee machine with a cup in hand.

"Do you know of any place that could sell me a coffee machine? Or coffee? Or coffee imitation? Basically anything that smells and tastes like this goodness?" I whined quietly as I stirred in the sugar.

"Haha well to buy a coffee machine, you might have to check with a super market off 5th Avenue. It's call Lucks. As for a coffee house, it doesn't get better than Café Royale." Sarah explained, as she set her items at her desk. "Don't forgot to check into the system right as you walk in. Teachers pay already sucks, as soon as you walk into this building, you should be getting paid for just being here."

"Haha gotchya." I replied, bringing the brown liquid up to my quivering lips as I slowly sipped the liquid. It burned going down my throat but I knew I couldn't wait for it to chill any longer, I needed caffeine in me asap.

"Better bring that cup down to your classroom, the halls will be filled soon." Sarah instructed as she logged into the computer.

"Thanks!" I replied, clocking into the system quickly before rushing down the hall.


The rest of the day went seemingly smooth. I've never wanted to strangle a child until now but other than that, I had somehow made it through the day. Nick was in my second to last hour, and man was the kid bright. His love for art far exceeded my own as I gave him a canvas and had him run wild. It was now about 5 minutes till the end of day as I stared at the clock on the wall. Sarah had agreed to release me right after school so I could head down to Pete's Hardware and grab some paint.

As soon as the bell rung, I was already clocking out. I hit the road very soon after that and arrived at Pete's.

"Welcome back love! What can I do for you?" Pete asked as he came out from behind the counter.

"I was actually hoping to score some paint? The house is finally coming along and I'm thinking some pale white walls wouldn't be all too bad." I replied as I followed him towards the end of the store.

"Well I could most definitely show you our paint chips! Only issue is, I would have to order the color and amount you'd like which could take a couple days." Pete explained as he pulled out all the grey samples he had organized against the back wall.

"That's okay." I nodded as I sorted through the colors. We heard the store door open as the bell dinged before Pete moved away from me to welcome the person in.

"Oh! Perfect! Come on back here son." Pete directed, leading the man towards my direction. I turned around and froze, paint chips in hand as I came face to face with Chris.

"Well, I didn't know 'later' meant the next day."  Chris smirked as he stared down at me.

"Mhm. Don't flatter yourself." I replied, placing the rest of the paint chips back as I kept the lightest grey one on a box of lightbulbs. My hand froze immediately, turning back to Pete. "Wait... Did you say son?"

"Yes. I see you two might have already met but Aria, meet my son, Chris." Pete nodded, smiling awkwardly as Chris and I exchanged looks.

"Was this by chance the same son who was going to help me with the house? I asked Pete, still staring at Chris.

"Precisely." Pete replied, shuffling the weight back and forth between his feet.

"On second thought, I think I've got the house handled." I nodded to Pete, finally tearing my eyes away from Chris with a comical smile plastered on my face.

"Oh please, you wouldn't know the difference between primer and paint if it hit you in the face." Chris scoffed, leaning against the shelves.

"There are many things I would like, to hit you in the face." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the paint chip I had laid on the supplies. "I'm going to go with this one." I told Pete as I wove my way between their bodies towards the front counter.

"How about paint rollers? Or paint brushes? Or masking tape to tape up the outlets? I have all these tools," Chris asked, matter-of-factly as he followed me towards the front.

"Fine." I hissed, sliding some change out of my back pocket to pay for the paint order before turning to him. "This weekend. Saturday morning. Be there at 8." I replied shortly as I grabbed the receipt from Pete and began to walk out.

"I'm not even sure what the address is!" Chris called over as I opened the front door.

"Ask your father!" I shot back as I disappeared into the street.

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