Chapter 1

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Leah's POV

Well, here's my day so far: found out my boyfriend was dating my so-called best friend behind my back, my parents got divorced, I learned I have to go to another school, AND, to make things worse, my older brother's girlfriend, the bane of my existence, is moving in with us...HOW COULD MY DAY GET ANY WORSE??? I swear, if my day does get any worse, I'll kill myself, LITERALLY. Well, probably not literally, but figuratively speaking, yes, I will. How the hell am I supposed to live with so much changes in a day? Where am I gonna live? What will I do? Which school will I go to? This day, May 17th, is the worst day in history.

How did my day go in detail? I'll explain. First, I am a student at North Pacific High...well, I was. I was on my way to school with my best friend, Seth. Seth's boyfriend, Ryder (Seth is gay, BTW), had accompanied us to school, but I'm telling you, I really don't like him, he's a bitch. Anyway, we were on our way to school and Seth had a flat tire, which made us late for school, and sent us to the principal's office. Principal Cane gave all of us a detention. The worst part about getting detention, though, was the fact that on the same day, I had to serve detention with the school's other bitch, Dianne, and her boyfriend, Jake. After we got our detention slips, I hurried to first period and got out my bag to get my homework. Shit. I forgot it on my dresser back home. "Mr. Myers?" I called. "Yes, Miss French?" he answered in an annoyed tone. "I forgot my homework at home...could I go to the main office to call my mom and ask her to carry it for me?" I pleaded. "Well, Miss French, you are late for class, first of all, and you don't have your assignment. What else could possibly go wrong with your day?" he interrogated. "But sir-" My objection was cut short by the announcement made over the P.A system. "Leah French, please report to the principal's office immediately." Damn. Must be some other crappy thing to spoil up my day. I got up and motioned to Mr. Myers. He allowed me to go. I went to the principal's office and parents??? With a letter in their hand??? Why, oh why did this have to happen??? I just arrived when Principal Cane had said the words that would forever doom my life: "It's been a good three years, Mr. and Mrs. French. I bid you farewell and good luck with your new life. I know that Leah will make many new friends.

The hell???????????

What the heck was happening????????????

Are we gonna move?

Then, I heard my mom say, "No, Principal Cane. It's now Miss Nichols."

What the fvck?

At that moment, everything had shattered: my dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Why the hell would mom call herself Miss Nichols? She's married, right?

"Honey, you're father and I have something we need to talk to you about." my mom started while we were walking to the car. "It's kind of life-changing and it's not really good news, and it's not really bad news, but it's definitely life-changing.......You're father and divorced."

"What the HELL??? WHY? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?" I exclaimed, with a sassy-badass-confused tone. "It has something to do with...other people. Now, I think it's best your father has told you his side of the story...Right, Harold?" my mom began.

"Well, darlin'," my dad began as we began to enter the minivan, "to be honest, I've been seeing your stepmom, Aunt Nanci. I've been getting attracted to her again. So, I spoke to your mother. She and I both think it's best we see other peope."

What the hell? How does that even make any damn sense? It doesn't! You guys are married, for Pete's sake! For thirteen years!

"I don't think it makes sense." I said as casually as I could even though I wanted to kill them both. "You've been married for thirteen long years, and now you're just seeing people?" I blurted.

"It's for your best interest, Leah." my dad tried to say to comfort me.

"No, Dad. It's not for my best damn interest. To shit, it's just because you guys are damn selfish and irresponsible. That's the point! I don't...I don't want to be your child anymore." I said. My parents looked crushed. I felt like my world had ended.

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